How to assign the IPV6 address to the Account


Introduction :

Internet Protocol (IP) is the communications protocol that routes traffic across the internet. IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) currently carries the vast majority of internet traffic. a shortage of IPv4 addresses exists because IPv4 only allows approximately four billion addresses. Prices for dedicated IPv4 addresses have risen due to this shortage, and the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) requires justification and audits of IPv4 addresses to avoid waste. IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) addresses the problem of IPv4 address exhaustion because the limit to the number of IPv6 addresses is exponentially higher than the IPv4 limit.


  1. Root Access or sudo Privileges.
  2. Access to the WHM.
  3. DNS Zone is predefined.


Before you use this interface to assign dedicated IPv6 addresses, you must perform the following:

  • Enable IPv6 on the server and use WHM’s IPv6 Ranges interface (WHM » Home » IP Functions » IPv6 Ranges) to add IPv6 ranges. If you have not added IPv6 ranges to the server, the interface displays a No IPv6 ranges have been added. message

To use this interface to assign a shared IPv6 address to one or more users, you must configure a shared IPv6 address in WHM’s Basic WebHost Manager Setup interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Basic WebHost Manager Setup).

Select an Account:

To search for a specific username or primary domain, enter the username or primary domain in the Filter Accounts text box.
Click the Select All icon (*-bluemark) to select all the server accounts.

Enable IPv6

Select the desired IPv6 address range from the Enable this account with an IPv6 address from the selected range menu.

  • You must select a range that includes available addresses.
  • To assign the server’s shared IPv6 address to an account, select The server’s shared IPv6 address. This address functions as a shared, rather than a dedicated, address.

Click Enable Account. When you enable IPv6 on an account, the system performs the following actions:

  • Binds that IPv6 address to your server.
  • Adds a AAAA record for the DNS zone on the domains that the account owns.