How to install cPanel DNS only



sudo privileged account access to the CentOS system


(I) Installation

To install cPanel DNSOnly, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Navigate to the /home directory on your server.

Step 2: Fetch the latest installation files from cPanel command

curl -o latest-dnsonly -L

Step 3: Execute the installation files

sh latest-dnsonly

(II) Access cPanel DNS only

To access the cPanel DNSOnly interface, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Navigate to https://IP:2087 in your preferred browser.
Note: In this address, IP represents your server’s IP address. If you have a domain name that resolves to the server, you can use it in place of the IP address.

Step 2: Enter root in the Username text box.

Step 3: Enter your password in the Password text box.

Step 4: Click Log in.

(III) Restart cPanel DNSOnly
