How to update the Plesk version

  Dedicated Hosting

How to update the Plesk version

Date: 16.05.2020

Step – 1: Log into your Plesk Control Panel.  

Step – 2: From the menu on the left, select Tools & Settings. Click on the Updates and Upgrades.


Step -3: A new window or tab will open, depending on your browser settings. If you are upgrading to the latest version of Plesk, click on Install or Upgrade Product. If you are already on the latest version and just want to upgrade components, click on Update Components. 


Step – 4: You make sure a back-up of your entire server. Click the Continue button to upgrade to the latest Plesk version.


Step – 5: Your upgrade will begin. This process can take up to 20 minutes to complete, depending on your Internet connection. Once completed, you receive a confirmation message like below.

Step – 6: When upgarding, If you will get an error like the below image.

Step – 7: Connect to your server via SSH as the root user using the following command:
ssh root@your server IP -p port number

You will install the package manually on the server by using the following commands:

$yum clean all
$yum update
$rpm -Uvh –nodeps
$yum update -y

Once completed this process, you should do steps 4 and 5 again.

Thank you!