How to Mount/Unmount an NFS Share Drive in cPanel Server
Date: 28-08-2021
Mounting NFS File System:
Step 1: Log in to the cPanel server.
Step 2: Install NFS client on CentOS server.# yum install nfs-utils
Step 3: Create a mount point directory for the remote NFS share drive.# mkdir /backups
Step 3: Open the /etc/fstab file.# vi /etc/fstab
Add the following line to the file. /backups nfs defaults 0 0
Note:- – NFS server IP address.
/volume1/pheonixsolutions – NFS server shared directory
/backups – The local mount point.
Step 4: Run the following mount command.# mount /backups
or# mount
Now you can verify this mount in your server by using the below command.#df -h
Note:- If you reboot the server the NFS share drive will be mounted automatically.
Unmounting NFS File System:
Step 1: Use the following unmount command to detach a mounted NFS share drive# unmount /backups
or# unmount
Step 2: If the NFS mount entry is in the /etc/fstab file, remove it.
Thank you!