Introduction In this section we will see how to transfer the cPanel account from one server to another server using the WHM cPanel transfer tool. This will help us to transfer the complete set-up and installed services and files in a single step. Prerequisite 1. Source server WHM root access2. Destination server WHM root access3. ..
Prerequisites 1. A cPanel account credentials 2. Username 3. Database name Implementation: Step 1: Log into the cPanel account Step 2: Go to the “Database” section and click on the PHPMyAdmin icon. Step 3: Select your WordPress database from the list of databases in PhpMyAdmin. Step 4: Go to the WP Users table and click ..
Introduction: When errors occur on your website, it can be difficult to diagnose the issue without access to detailed error messages. By default, PHP error messages are often hidden for security reasons, but you can enable them easily using cPanel. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to enable display errors for ..
Prerequisites: Step1: Log into WHM. Step2: Navigate to “List Accounts” under the Account information Step3: Find the account you’d like to update. Step4: Click the “+” button on the far left of the account entry. Step5: Enter your new email address in the “Change Contact Email” field. Step6: Click on “Cha..
Introduction:MySQL’s slow query log makes it easy to track SQL queries that take more than a specific time for execution. This allows you to find inefficient SQL queries that can be optimized to improve database performance. Prerequisite: Implementation: Step 1: SSH the server with the user having sudo privileges $ ssh user@IP Step 2: Open ..
Prerequisites: Procedure: Step 1: Log in to the Webmail. Step 2: Then click the Webmail Home, as marked in the snapshot below. Step 3: You will get the Webmail Home page as below, click on the Forwarders. Step 4: Now we get the screen to add Forwarders, click on Add Forwarder. Step 5: Fill in ..
Introduction: In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating a new domain account in cPanel and adding it to an existing reseller account. By the end of this guide, you will have a better understanding of how to manage your web hosting account and create new domains for your clients. Whether ..
Introduction: A hostname is a label assigned to a device connected to a computer network that is used to identify the device in various forms of electronic communication. Hostnames may be simple names consisting of a single word or phrase, or they may be structured strings that include multiple words or phrases separated by dots. ..
A URL that leads to a directory that does not have an index file, probably we can see a list of the files in the directory. This means indexing is turned on for that online folder. Leaving files publicly visible is a security and privacy risk. We can disable the directory listening in Cpanel in ..
Prerequisite: Procedure: Step 1: Login to the server Step 2: Go to the website configuration file using the following command, $ sudo cd /etc/<webserver>/sites-available/domain.conf Step 3: Find the document root in the configuration file and enter into the document root directory, $ sudo cd /var/www/public_html/ Step 4: Edit the wp-config.php file using the below command, ..
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