Prequistise sudo privileged account access to the CentOS system Implementation (I) Installation To install cPanel DNSOnly, perform the following steps: Step 1: Navigate to the /home directory on your server. Step 2: Fetch the latest installation files from cPanel command curl -o latest-dnsonly -L Step 3: Execute the installation files sh latest-dnsonly (II) Access ..
Category : WHM
Introduction Some cPanel Specific logs are rotated by a daemon called cpanellogd and are managed through WHM. Some cPanel related logs are rotated by the logrotated utility. The logrotated configuration of these logs is managed by cPanel and does not need to be modified manually. Any new or custom logs implemented on the server would require a custom logrotated configuration. The process of ..
Step1: Log in to the WHM interface as the root user. Step2: Navigate to the SQL Services section (WHM >> Home >> SQL Services) and click phpMyAdmin. The phpMyAdmin interface will appear. Step3: In the far-left column, select the database that you wish to delete. Step4: At the top of the interface, click Operations. A new interface will appear. Step5: Under the Remove database heading, ..
Introduction Sometimes it becomes necessary to stop processes run by a user, whether for troubleshooting or due to overwhelming resource usage. The following guide will assist in finding and stopping multiple processes. Procedure First, find the processes you’re interested in stopping. The ps utility can list running processes, and grep can be used to filter ..
Introduction This article aims to assist you with manually restoring a JetBackup generated backup. This process would be useful if you need to move your accounts to a different server. Procedure The following JetBackup documentations details this process step-by-step: This guide will go over how to manually restore a cPanel account from your JetBackup generated ..
This article will guide you on how to set up and configure Memcached on cPanel-WHM (RHEL 6/7 or CentOS 6/7). Add EasyApache4 (EA4) Experimental Repository in order to install Memcached. Unfortunately, both Memcached and Memcache RPMs are still in an experimental repo on cPanel-WHM. So it might not be suitable for a shared hosting environment. ..
Introduction This article explains how to change the permissions of a file or folder via the File Manager Graphical interface. If you are unfamiliar with the file permission’s and their corresponding names. 1. Log into cPanel as the user in question and locate the file or folder in question. 2. Right-click the file or folder ..
When installing cPanel to your new server, a check is performed to see if an FQDN (fully-qualified domain name) is set up as the hostname. If this hostname is not valid, the installation will fail at that point. Your hostname (mycpanel.hostname) is invalid, and must be set to a fully qualified domain name before installing ..
Introduction Sometimes a misconfigured cluster ends up writing a large number of zones to the wrong server. This can happen if someone makes a mistake during cluster configuration. If you’ve made this error, don’t feel bad–you’re not alone! One of the more common questions we get in support regarding clusters is “How do I fix ..
Step1: Login to WHM as the root user. Step2: Navigate to Home »DNS Functions »Edit Zone Templates. Step3: Click on the Standard template. Step4: Add or adjust the DNS entries to match the template you wish to use. Step5: Click the blue Sa..
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