Introduction Denying access from a specific IP address will not allow to access the applications even if originating legitimate requests Prerequisite Implementation Step 1:  Login to cPanel Step 2: Click on IP Blocker from the security section Step 3: Enter the domain name or IP address that needs to be blocked Step 4: Click on ..

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Introduction: Creating FTP users in WHM (Web Host Manager) is a crucial task for managing file transfers and maintaining security within your hosting environment. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) users allow authorized individuals to upload, download, and manage files on your server. Step1: Log in to your WHM interface. This is usually done by accessing your ..

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Introduction: Do we want to increase or limit cPanel users’ bandwidth usage? A WHM user can modifier the bandwidth of a cPanel account, and a root user can modify WHM and cPanel users. Prerequisites: Step 1: Using the destination server URL login to the WHM cPanel account. Step 2: Go to the search bar and ..

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Introduction The disk space quota is the total hard drive space allocated on the server for an account Prerequisite Implementation Step 1: Log in to the WHM Step 2: Navigate Home >> Tools >> Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings Step 3: Under All >> Notifications, locate the option Disk quota usage warnings Step 4: Click on ..

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Introduction  A CSR (Certificate Signing Request) is a specially formatted encrypted message sent from a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) digital certificate applicant to a certificate authority (CA) Prerequisite Implementation Step 1:Login to the cPanel account. Step 2: Select “SSL/TLS” which is under the “Security” section of your panel Step 3: Click the Certificate signing requests ..

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Introduction: The memory limit is set by default to 32MB, which might not be enough for your website. However, there are many other methods to increase it. You can modify the default-constants.php, set it using the cPanel, or upgrade your web hosting plans. Prerequisites: 1.WHM login root credentials. 2. File manager. Step 1: Using the destination server ..

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Prerequisite: WHM login root credentials Procedure: Step 1: Login to the WHM Step 2: Search for Change Root Password on the left navigation menu. Step 3: Select on the Change Root Password and enter the new password. Step 4: Re-enter the new password to confirm. Step 5: Click on Change Password to complete changing the WHM root ..

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Introduction: In this article, we will see how to generate new Manage root’s SSH Keys on your server. The system divides SSH keys into public and private key sets into two separate lists. Prerequisites: Procedure: Step1: Log into WHM with root credentials. Step2: In WHM’s search bar, type “Manage root’s SSH Keys” and select the ..

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