Prequistise Root access to the WHM account. Procedure Step1: First, login into the WHM panel,  https://IP-address: 2087 or https://server-hostname: 2087. Step2: Navigate to DNS Functions → Park a Domain. Step3: Next, select the domain name for which you would like to set up the parked domain → Enter the Park Domain. Step4: Finally, click on SUBMIT. Step5: Congratulations! You have successfully configured the parked domain in the ..

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PrerequisiteC-panel log-in credential is requiredImplementation Step 1: Log in to your cPanel. Step 2: Click Encryption under the Email section. Step 3: Follow these steps on this page, 1. Type the Name on the first text box. 2. Type the Email ID. 3. Type a Comment or Nickname for the message. 4. Type a Key ..

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Introduction There may be times when you would like to remove a particular PHP version via EasyApache. Procedure You can remove a PHP version through the EasyApache interface in the WHM.  Access EasyApache in WHM at Home »Software »EasyApache 4. 2. Click the Blue Customize button next to the profile. 3. Select the PHP version page by ..

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Introduction: In this article, we have explained how to enable DNS clusters using WHM. The collection of nameservers that share records and allows physical segregation of the DNS server from Web servers is known as DNS Cluster. Prequistise Root access to the WHM account. Step1. Log in to the WHM account. Step2. Find the “Clusters” option and select it. ..

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Introduction: The mod_cpanel Apache module replaces the Optimize .htaccess (AllowOverride) feature that existed in the Global Configuration section of WHM’s Apache Configuration interface. Prerequisites: Root access to the WHM and Server. In the interface: You can install or uninstall the mod_cpanel Apache module in WHM’s EasyApache 4 interface (WHM >> Home >> Software >> EasyApache 4). On the command line: To install the mod_cpanel Apache module in ..

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Introduction WordPress Toolkit is available to be installed in the WHM Marketplace interface.  Procedure Access the WHM Marketplace by logging in to your WHM as root and going to Server Configuration >> WHM Marketplace.  On this page, access the “Add Extensions” button in the top right as seen in the screenshot below. In this list of ..

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Introduction Here we’ll explain the process to delete a site within WordPress Toolkit.  Procedure Access WordPress Toolkit within cPanel.  Select the site you wish to remove.  Click on the options icon on the far right. Click the Remove option. 5. Confirm you wish to remove the site from WordPress Tool..

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High loads within a server can severely impact performance and response times. Identifying which process(es) or service(s) causing high loads significantly narrows down the investigation as it allows you to focus on the process(es) that require attention. “top” is a popular tool used to list running processes on the server along with information regarding system ..

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