How to enable HTTP2 on WHM/cPanel with EasyApache 4 Date: 17-04-2021 Step 1: Log in to WHM. Step 2: Search Software and click on EasyApache 4 under the Software section. Step 3: Click Customize option in the Currently Installed Packages. Step 4: Click Apache modules and search for mod_http2 module and enable it. Step 5: ..
Archives : April-2021
Nowadays, a lot of ISPs provides dynamic IPs to their customers. This means, the IPs are always changing instead of staying the same. If your IP is a dynamic IP, depending on how your IP is changed, you could potentially set up a IP’s wild card within cPanel Please follow the below steps to allow ..
I’ve reconfigured the mapping of my external IP addresses to the internal IP addresses issued to my server. How do I ensure the server is aware of these changes? Please find the procedure below. Login to WHM 2. Goto Ip functions. 3. Click on “Rebuild the Ip address pool” 4. Click Proce..
How to solve 403 Forbidden error while trying to access the sub directory in File Manager through browser Date: 08-04-2021 Step 1: Login to cPanel and open File Manager in the FILES section. Step 2: Create .htaccess file in the public_html directory and enter the below content in that file.DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htmOptions +Indexes Now ..
How to create folders in Webmail on Roundcube interface Date: 03-04-2021 Step 1: Login to cPanel webmail by using your email id and password. Step 2: Click Settings in the left side menu bar. Step 3: Select the Folder option and Click Create option in right side on the top bar. Enter the folder name ..
By default, addon and subdomain document roots are restricted to the publich_hml of the account under which they are created. Please follow the below steps to disable this restriction. Log in to WHM. 2. Navigate to the following location.Home>> Server configuration>> Tweak settings 3. Click the “Domains” tab. 4. Change the “Restrict document roots to ..
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