Introduction: Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security feature that adds an extra layer of protection to your server by requiring users to provide a second form of authentication, typically a temporary code, in addition to their regular credentials. Enabling 2FA for WHM enhances the overall security of your server administration interface. Step 1: Log in ..

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Introduction Data backup means creating a copy of the data on the system that is used for recovery in case your original data is lost or corrupted. We can also use backup to recover copies of older files if it is deleted from the system Prerequisite Implementation Step 1: Log in to the WHM Step 2: ..

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Introduction: You can suspend cPanel user from WHM account. Please follow this article to suspend your cPanel user. Prerequisites: Step 1: Using the destination server URL login to the WHM cPanel account. Step 2: Go to the search bar and enter manage account suspension. After the click, manage account suspension. Step 3:Under Select by domain, ..

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Introduction: WHM (Web Host Manager) is a powerful program that allows administrative access to the back end of cPanel. It enables website owners to manage their sites and server settings efficiently. The background processor in WHM is responsible for managing various tasks, including updates, maintenance, and background services. However, in certain cases, we might need ..

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Introduction phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP that is intended to handle the administration of a MySQL or MariaDB database server Prerequisite Implementation Step 1: Log in to the cPanel account Step 2: Click on Softaculous Apps Installer under the Software panel Step 3. Search for phpMyAdmin Step 4: Navigate to Install > ..

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Introduction “Passive mode” means that the server will be “passive” and accept data connections from the client, instead of requiring the client to be able to accept connections back from the server. Prerequisite Implementation Step 1: Log in to the WHM Step 2: Search application plugin ConfigServer Security & Firewall Step 3: Firewall Configuration will be ..

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Introduction: Occasionally, you may encounter issues accessing a server or a website, and one possible reason for this inconvenience could be that your IP address has been blocked. IP blocking is a security measure used to restrict access from specific IP addresses for various reasons, such as security breaches, excessive login attempts, or malicious activity. ..

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Introduction SitePad Website Builder helps you build professional websites using a drag-and-drop editor and publish static (HTML, CSS, JS) web pages which makes your website load much faster. Choose from over 325+ Responsive Themes, which cover a wide range of categories like Blog, Business, Portfolio, Restaurants and Travel Features of SitePad website builder: 1) 40+ languages ..

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Introduction: You can unsuspend cPanel accounts from WHM. Please follow this article to unsuspend your cPanel user. Prerequisites: Step 1: Using the destination server URL login to the WHM cPanel account. Step 2: Go to the search bar and enter manage account suspension. After the click, manage account suspension. Step 3: Under Select by domain, ..

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