How to block/Allow IP address with ConfigServer Firewall(CSF) in WHM Date: 17-07-2021 Step 1: Login to WHM portal as the root user. Step 2: Enter ConfigServer Security & Firewall in search bar and click on csf option. Step 3: Enter the IP address that you need to block in the pink colour box and click ..
Category : Dedicated Hosting
The procedure below will show you how to create a feature list in WHM. Feature lists allow you to control which features appear in the cPanel interface—for example, Addon Domains or MultiPHP Manager. 1) Log into WHM. 2) Navigate to Feature Manager. 3) Under “Add a new feature list,” input a name for the feature ..
How to Suspend Or Unsuspend cPanel Accounts in WHM Date: 09-07-2021 cPanel Account Suspend: Step 1: Log in to your WHM panel. Step 2: Enter Manage Account Suspension in search bar. Select Manage Account Suspension and It will show under the Account Functions. Step 3: Select the account that you want to suspend. Enter the ..
Subaccounts use the same login and password information for email, FTP, and Web Disk services. The system synchronizes the password of each of the Subaccount’s allowed services. Please follow the below steps to add a subaccount: 1) Login to your cPanel 2) Type “user” in the search bar, you will get “User Manager”. Click on ..
Log into WHM as root. From WHM, navigate to “Tweak Settings” using the sidebar. Select the “System” tab. On the “System” tab, find the “Accounts that can access a cPanel user account” setting. To enable the cPanel login button for the reseller that owns the account and root, select “Root, Account-Owner, and cPanel User.” To ..
1) Log into your WHM as Root. 2) In the Search Tab, search for “Basic WebHost Manager” 3) Click on “Contact Information” tab and proceed to fill out/update all the information you wish to enter. 4) Once completed, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save Cha..
Please follow the below steps to remove an IPv6 range. WHM: Home »IP Functions »IPV6 Ranges Find the IPv6 Range you wish to remove and click the ‘Delete Range’ button. If the IPv6 Range ‘Delete Range’ button is greyed out, then navigate to the following location:WHM: Home »IP Functions » Assign IPv6 Address And disable ..
Please follow the below steps to change the mount-point of your drive to another location. First, you will need to get the name of the new drive according to the server. The easiest way to do this is to see your currently mounted drives using the df command: From the above example, the drive /dev/sdb ..
Please find the below steps to achieve the above. Log into WHM 2. Access into Packages and click edit a package 3. Select the package 4. Adjust whatever value you need to adjust 5. Click Save Changes at ..
How to renew the cPanel license on your server Date: 30-08-2021Introduction Inroduction: Once you have purchased/upgraded cPanel license you will need to update the license file on the server. You will follow the below steps to update the license in your server. Step 1: First, You need to check if your server IP has valid ..
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