How to Disable All cPanel LFD (Login Failure Daemon) Alerts Date: 20-08-2021 Step 1: Log in to WHM Step 2: Enter the name of the firewall in the search box and click on ConfigServer Security & Firewall under Plugins section. Step 3: Click on the Firewall Configuration button to edit the CSF configuration file. Step ..
How to Enable FTP Access in WHM Date: 14-08-2021 Step 1: Log in to the WHM portal. Step 2: Type FTP Server in the search box and click on FTP Server Selection under the Service Configuration. You can select Pure-FTPD or Pro-FTPD to enable FTP accounts. Click the Save button at the bottom of the ..
How to adjust the number of Backups retained by WHM Date: 07-08-2021 Step 1: Log in to the WHM panel. Step 2: Please click on Backup Configuration under the Backup section. Step 3: Please scroll down to the Scheduling and Retention section on this page. You can enter the number of backups that you wish ..
How to check Email Disk Usage in cPanel Account Date: 24-07-2021 Step 1: Login to cPanel account. Step 2: Select Email Disk Usage in EMAIL section on the cPanel dashboard. Step 3: Select required mail id you want to know the disk usage in Account box. It will show the disk usage details like below. ..
Please follow the below steps to achieve the above. 1) Log in to WHM. 2) Navigate to the following location. Home > Server Configuration > Basic WebHost Manager Setup 3) Change the following setting to the IP you’d like to use. The IPv4 address (only one address) to use to set up shared IPv4 virtual ..
How to block/Allow IP address with ConfigServer Firewall(CSF) in WHM Date: 17-07-2021 Step 1: Login to WHM portal as the root user. Step 2: Enter ConfigServer Security & Firewall in search bar and click on csf option. Step 3: Enter the IP address that you need to block in the pink colour box and click ..
The procedure below will show you how to create a feature list in WHM. Feature lists allow you to control which features appear in the cPanel interface—for example, Addon Domains or MultiPHP Manager. 1) Log into WHM. 2) Navigate to Feature Manager. 3) Under “Add a new feature list,” input a name for the feature ..
How to Suspend Or Unsuspend cPanel Accounts in WHM Date: 09-07-2021 cPanel Account Suspend: Step 1: Log in to your WHM panel. Step 2: Enter Manage Account Suspension in search bar. Select Manage Account Suspension and It will show under the Account Functions. Step 3: Select the account that you want to suspend. Enter the ..
How to modify PHP memory_limit for your website in your cPanel Account Date: 03-07-2021 Step 1: Login to cPanel account. Step 2: Click MultiPHP INI Editor in SOFTWARE section on the cPanel dashboard. Step 3: In MultiPHP Ini Editor, there will be two types of modes, Basic mode & Editor Mode. Click on Basic mode ..
Subaccounts use the same login and password information for email, FTP, and Web Disk services. The system synchronizes the password of each of the Subaccount’s allowed services. Please follow the below steps to add a subaccount: 1) Login to your cPanel 2) Type “user” in the search bar, you will get “User Manager”. Click on ..
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