Please find the below to keep the DNS alive Login to WHM Type “terminate” in the search bar 3. Select the account which you want to terminate. 4. To keep the DNS alive, check the “keep DNS alive” box 5. Click on remove. 6. Go to DNS zone manager and verify. It will..
Category : Shared hosting
In WHM search bar type “addon” , you will see “convert addon domain to account”. Click on it. 2. You will see the list of addon domain and aslo you will see the option “convert” beside these domains. Select the addon domain and click on “convert”. 3. It willl ask for username, contact email, package, ..
Change the configuration of CPanel / WHM to improve the performance of the server and make websites faster. Please follow the below steps. Disable Mailman:-If you or none of your customers aren’t running any mail listings through cPanel, it would be a good idea to disable Mailman.Go to WHM > Server Configuration > Tweak Settings ..
How to configure directory privacy on cPanel Date: 09-01-2021 Step 1: Log in to cPanel. Step 2: Click on Directory Privacy in the FILES section of the cPanel home screen. Step 3: Click Edit button on the name of the directory that you want to protect. Step 4: Select the Password protect this directory check box under Security Settings. Select ..
The email client setup lets you easily setup email client access in cPanel. You can automatically configure and connect email accounts from cPanel directly to your desired email application, for example, Outlook or Mail for Mac. To do this, head to Email > Email Accounts within your cPanel. To setup the email client access you’ll need to ..
How to change an email password in cPanel Date: 01-01-2021 Step 1: Log into cPanel Account. Step 2: Click on Email Accounts under theMail Section. Step 3: Click MANAGE button on the right side of your email account. Step 4: You can type a new password or click on GENERATE under the SECURITY. Step 5: Finally, ..
How to change php version for main domain and subdomains in cPanel Date: 26-12-2020 Step 1: Log in to cPanel and click on the MultiPHP Manager under the Software sections on the cPanel home page. Step 2: You can select the domain name or subdomain name under the Domain section and scroll down and select ..
How to change cPanel Update (upcp) cron from WHM Date: 12-12-2020 Step 1: Login to WHM using the server root password. Step 2: Enter Config on the search box and click on the Configure cPanel Cron Jobs under the Server Configuration. Step 3: You can set when to run the cPanel update under Command: upcp. ..
How to Add/Remove the Domain Aliases in the cPanel Account. Date: 05-12-2020 Introduction: The cPanel allows your website to load from another domain name. When a user enters the Alias Domain names on the browser to access the websites, the cPanel automatically redirects them to your main domain name and the main website.Note:1. Alias domain ..
How to upload and download files using cPanel File Manager Date: 28-11-2020 Step 1: Log in to cPanel. Step 2: Click on File Manager In the FILES section. Step 3: Choose the directory where you want to upload the file in the File Manager main window and click the Upload icon. Step 4: Click Select File and choose the file’s location ..
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