cPanel/WHM Server Security:- cPanel/WHM Server Security is the most important aspect to keep your websites, and other data secure as new methods of attacks and hacks are popping up almost every day. This will make the servers protected from attacks, hacks, and various other threats. Go to WHM Home >>Security Center >>Security Advisor and select ..

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There are two possibilities why you would receive the error message “IP address has changed” from cPanel.1) Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) has a short DHCP lease time, causing your IP address to be renewed/released and reassigned while you are logged into cPanel.2) You are attempting to login into cPanel using the same account from ..

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How to configure Redirects in cPanel Date: 06-02-2021 Introduction: The web server redirects a visitor from one web page to another web page. You can use cPanel to redirect multiple web pages and you can specify whether redirections are temporary or permanent. Step 01: Login to cPanel Account and click Redirects in the DOMAINS section ..

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