How to create folders in Webmail on Roundcube interface Date: 03-04-2021 Step 1: Login to cPanel webmail by using your email id and password. Step 2: Click Settings in the left side menu bar. Step 3: Select the Folder option and Click Create option in right side on the top bar. Enter the folder name ..
By default, addon and subdomain document roots are restricted to the publich_hml of the account under which they are created. Please follow the below steps to disable this restriction. Log in to WHM. 2. Navigate to the following location.Home>> Server configuration>> Tweak settings 3. Click the “Domains” tab. 4. Change the “Restrict document roots to ..
Please follow the below steps to grant root access to Reseller Users Log in to the WHM as the root user 2. Go to Resellers and click on Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges. 3. Click the user you wish to alter the privileges on 4. Click on Submit. Note: This will grant this user to ..
How to increase the upload_max_filesize limit in cPanel Date: 26-03-2021 Step 1: Login to cPanel account. Search MultiPHP INI Editor under the SOFTWARE section and click on it. Step 2: Select the main domain name or subdomain name under the Configure PHP INI basic settings on Basic Mode or Editor Mode. Step 3: Once you ..
Please follow the below steps to add, edit and delete a package. Log in to WHM 2. Goto Packages>>add a package, edit a package, delete a package 3. If you want to edit or delete a package, click on edit or delete and choose the package and edit or delete. 4. Here, I want to ..
Date: 16-03-2021 Introduction: Once you enabled shell access, you should be able to login to the server via SSH. Step 1: Login to WHM. Step 2: Type as manage shell access in the Search box and select Manage Shell Access. Step 3: Find the cPanel user account you need to modify and select the radio button for ..
If you add a new IP address to a server or are changing your servers shared IP address, you may need to change multiple accounts to be on this IP in as few clicks as possible. This can be completed through root WHM using the “Change Multiple Sites’ IP Addresses”. 1.) Login to root WHM. ..
Please follow the below steps to set a specific PHP handler for a particular version of PHP or multiple versions of PHP. Log into WHM. 2. Navigate to MultiPHP Manager. 3. Click the PHP Handlers tab. 4. Click Edit under the Actions column for the PHP version you want to change the PHP handler for ..
Please follow the below steps for setting up a custom document root for a new domain. 1) Login to the cPanel 2) Navigate to HOME >>> DOMAINS. Under DOMAINS section click on Domains 3) Enter your domain in the search box 4) Select the domain and click on “Manage” 5) In the “new document root” ..
How to send one mail to multiple Email IDs by using common Email ID Date: 23-02-2021 Step 1: Login to cPanel account. Click Mailing Lists on the EMAIL section. Step 2: You can create one common mail id by entering List Name, Domain and Password. Once you created the mail id it will show in ..
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