How to Upload Images with GraphQL and MongoDB
Uploading images in a web application often requires handling file streams, converting them into a storable format, and persisting them in a database. This guide demonstrates how to achieve this with GraphQL, MongoDB, and Node.js.
Step 1: Define the Image Schema
We’ll use Mongoose to define a schema for storing image data in MongoDB:
const mongoose = require(“mongoose”); const { Schema } = mongoose; const imageSchema = new Schema({ image: { type: Buffer }, filename: { type: String }, mimetype: { type: String }, }); const ImageModel = mongoose.model(“Image”, imageSchema); |
This schema includes:
- image: The binary data of the image.
- filename: The name of the file.
- mimetype: The file type (e.g., image/jpeg).
Step 2: Implement Image Upload Logic
Create a utility function to convert an uploaded image into a Base64 format:
const convertImageToBase64 = async (image: any): Promise<string | null> => { if (image && image.promise) { const { createReadStream } = await image.promise; const stream = createReadStream(); return new Promise<Buffer>((resolve, reject) => { const chunks: Buffer[] = []; stream.on(“data”, (chunk: Buffer) => chunks.push(chunk)); stream.on(“end”, () => resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks))); stream.on(“error”, reject); }).then((imageBuffer) => imageBuffer.toString(“base64”)); } return null; }; |
Step 3: Write the GraphQL Mutation
Create a mutation to handle the image upload:
const { GraphQLUpload } = require(“graphql-upload”); const { ApolloServer, gql } = require(“apollo-server”); const typeDefs = gql` scalar Upload type ImageResponse { id: ID! filename: String! mimetype: String! } type Mutation { addImage(image: Upload!): ImageResponse } `; const resolvers = { Upload: GraphQLUpload, Mutation: { addImage: async (_: any, { image }: { image: any }) => { if (!image) throw new Error(“No image provided”); const base64Image = await convertImageToBase64(image); const filename = image.file?.filename; const mimetype = image.file?.mimetype; if (!base64Image || !filename || !mimetype) { throw new Error(“Invalid image format”); } const newImage = new ImageModel({ image: Buffer.from(base64Image, “base64”), filename, mimetype, }); await; return { id:, filename: newImage.filename, mimetype: newImage.mimetype, }; }, }, }; const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs, resolvers }); server.listen().then(({ url }: { url: string }) => { console.log(`Server ready at ${url}`); }); |
Step 4: Mutation
To test the image upload, use a GraphQL client in Postman. Here’s an example mutation:
mutation UploadImage($image: Upload!) { addImage(image: $image) { id filename mimetype } } |
In your HTTP request to the GraphQL endpoint (e.g., http://localhost:4000/graphql), use the following structure in the postman
{ “query”: “mutation addImage($image: Upload) { addImage(image: $image){ id filename mimetype } }”, “variables”: { “image”: null } } |
{ “0”: [“variables.image”] } |
The file data (e.g., image.jpg) should be sent under key 0 as defined in the map.
Step 5: Update Contextual Mutation
If you’re using a mutation with a slightly different structure, such as:
mutation addImage($image: Upload) { addImage(image: $image) { success message } } |
Adjust your GraphQL client request to:
{ “query”: “mutation addImage($image: Upload) { editPayment(image: $image) { success message } }”, “variables”: { “image”: null } } |
{ “0”: [“variables.image”] } |
This implementation demonstrates how to upload images using GraphQL and store them in MongoDB. By leveraging Mongoose for database interactions and Node.js streams for efficient file handling, you can build a scalable and efficient image upload feature. Customize your mutation as needed to fit your application’s requirements.