L1aravel 5.5 installation on VestaCP domain Date posted: 31-10-2017 Assumptions:- We assume you have the following server setup VestaCP Ubuntu 16.04 Nginx PHP >= 7.0.0 PHP modules OpenSSL, xml, PDO, Tokenizer and mbstring Installing Laravel Install composer apt-get install composer Download the Laravel installer using Composer: composer global require “laravel/installer”… Continue Reading Laravel installation on VestaCP account

PDFlib support for PHP7.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 Date posted: 16-10-2017 Task: Enable PDF for PHP7.0 Based on your server architecture download PDFlib software from PDFlib site. cd /usr/local/src wget https://www.pdflib.com/binaries/PDFlib/911/PDFlib-9.1.1p3-Linux-x86_64-php.tar.gz tar -xvf PDFlib-9.1.1p3-Linux-x86_64-php.tar.gz cd PDFlib-9.1.1p3-Linux-x86_64-php/ Find PHP extension_dir # php -ini | grep extension_dir extension_dir => /usr/lib/php/20151012 => /usr/lib/php/20151012 copy… Continue Reading PDFlib support for PHP7.0 on Ubuntu 16.04

Add a custom virtualhost configuration on cpanel |Apache 2.4 Date posted: 13-10-2017 Latest cPanel comes with apache 2.4 and in this post we will explain on how to create custom vhost configuration. Assumption: cPanel server Server Access Assuming that, we will create a custom configuration for the domain ‘domain.tld’ and… Continue Reading Add a custom virtualhost configuration on cpanel |Apache 2.4

Client denied by server configuration apache 2.4 Date Posted: 12-10-2017 The following error we have seen on the following log after we setup apache server on linux host. Client denied by server configuration apache 2.4 Reason: This error normally occurs if the documentroot is not allowed on virtualhost configuration. Consider,… Continue Reading Client denied by server configuration apache 2.4

How to install SSL certificate on gitlab Date Posted: 06-10-2017 This post explains on how to install SSL certificate on gitlab. This post assumes that we have SSL certificate purchased already and we have a private key with us. Assumption: Gitlab installed. Configuration path is /etc/gitlab SSL certificate and private key… Continue Reading How to install SSL certificate on gitlab

Error debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog Date Posted: 06-10-2017 Issue:- When got this error while installing mysql via bash script. Its because debconf is trying to control dialog prompt in background. But it doesn’t exist on your server. Fix:- So install dialog and apt-utils apt-get install dialog apt-utils  

Ansible automation – Logging user-data script output for EC2 Date Posted: 06-10-2017 When you write ansible playbooks, you may want to log the user_data output of EC2 instance launch. To achieve this, add these below codes at the top of your script vi user_data.sh #!/bin/bash -e exec > >(tee /var/log/user-data.log|logger… Continue Reading Ansible automation – Logging user-data script output for EC2

Add webmail alias in VestaCP panel – ubuntu 16.04 Date Posted: 05-10-2017 Assumptions:- We assume you have the following server setup VestaCP Ubuntu 16.04 Apache2 Solution:- Add this line at the bottom of /home/admin/conf/web/apache2.conf file <VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx:8080> ServerName webmail ServerAlias webmail.* DocumentRoot /usr/share/roundcube <Directory /usr/share/roundcube> AllowOverride All </Directory> </VirtualHost> Verify… Continue Reading Add webmail alias in VestaCP panel – ubuntu 16.04

zone example.com/IN: loading from master file /home/admin/conf/dns/example.com.db failed: permission denied Date Posted: 05-10-2017 Assumptions:- We assume that you have the following setup VestaCP Ubuntu 16.04 Bind9 Error:- Bind might refuse to reload due to below errors zone example.com/IN: loading from master file /home/admin/conf/dns/example.com.db failed: permission denied   Fix:- Check permission… Continue Reading VestaCP – bind – loading from master file failed: permission denied

Start vncserver at boot – ubuntu 14.04 Date Posted: 05-10-2017 Write a sample script startvnc.sh and update the code mentioned below. vi /root/startvnc.sh #! /bin/bash USER=root HOME=/root export USER HOME cd /root /usr/bin/vncserver :1 Make this script executable chmod +x /root/startvnc.sh Update rc.local file with this script vi /etc/rc.local  Find… Continue Reading start vncserver at boot – ubuntu 14.04