Introduction STRICT_TRANS_TABLES is one of the SQL modes in MySQL that enforces strict data validation rules. When STRICT_TRANS_TABLES is enabled, MySQL rejects invalid values and generates an error, rather than converting them. If a value is missing or invalid, the entire INSERT or UPDATE query is aborted, and no data… Continue Reading How to Disable STRICT_TRANS_TABLES in MySQL

Introduction MySQL’s password policy level, defined by the “validate_password_policy” system variable, enforces constraints on new passwords to ensure they are secure Prerequisites1. A sudo privileged user to SSH the server 2. Mysql root password Implementation MySQL’s password policy has three levels: LOW, MEDIUM, and STRONG LOW: Tests password length only, requiring passwords… Continue Reading How to change MySQL password policy level

Introduction: In today’s digital landscape, setting up and managing databases is a crucial aspect of many software projects. Among the most popular database management systems is MySQL, renowned for its reliability and scalability. This guide will walk you through the process of installing MySQL on Ubuntu 24.04, along with creating… Continue Reading How to setup MySQL and create a user on Ubuntu 24.04?

Introduction Updating secure and unsecure URLs directly in the Magento database can be necessary when you need to modify your website’s base URLs swiftly and efficiently. This method bypasses the Magento admin panel and allows you to edit the configuration stored in the database directly. It’s handy when you’re unable… Continue Reading How to update secure and unsecure URLs directly in the Magento database

Introduction: MySQL’s slow query log makes it easy to track SQL queries that take more than a specific time for execution. This allows you to find inefficient SQL queries that can be optimized to improve database performance. Prerequisite: Implementation: Step 1: SSH the server with the user having sudo privileges… Continue Reading How to enable the slow query log – Mysql in Linux

Prerequisites Credentials to access the Plesk panel SSH root access  Implementation Follow the below steps to install MySQL, Enable remote access to the local MySQL server, and Proxy rule setup in the Plesk panelI. MySQL installation Log into Plesk with the credentials Go to Tools & Settings > Database Servers… Continue Reading How to add Proxy pass rule to access PHPMyAdmin without port number in URL -Plesk

Sometimes, a WordPress user, with one of the following capabilities, such as administrator, editor, author, contributor, or subscriber, forgets its login credentials, especially the password. WordPress passwords can be easily changed via the “Lost Password” WordPress login form. However, if the WordPress account has no way of accessing his email… Continue Reading How to reset the WordPress password in Mysql

Step1: Stopping the MySQL service by using this command systemctl command: Step2: Now, we need to restart the MySQL service. Step3: We have able to connect to the MySQL server as root, without specifying a password. Step4: Now, reset the root password, but first flush the privileges to reload the… Continue Reading How to change My SQL password on Linux

To disable foreign key constraints when you want to truncate a table: Use FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS and remember to enable it when you’re done:

If the mysqld server receives too many connection requests from the host that is interrupted in the middle, the following error occurs: The max_connect_errors system variable determines the number of successive interrupted connection requests that are allowed. Once there are max_connect_errors failed requests without a successful connection, mysqld assumes that something is… Continue Reading Host host_name is blocked