Introduction PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source relational database management system known for its reliability and robust feature set. It adheres to SQL standards and supports advanced features like data integrity, concurrency control, and extensibility through custom data types and functions. With strong security measures and scalability options, PostgreSQL is widely… Continue Reading How to drop a database in postgreSQL ?

Introduction MySQL’s password policy level, defined by the “validate_password_policy” system variable, enforces constraints on new passwords to ensure they are secure Prerequisites1. A sudo privileged user to SSH the server 2. Mysql root password Implementation MySQL’s password policy has three levels: LOW, MEDIUM, and STRONG LOW: Tests password length only, requiring passwords… Continue Reading How to change MySQL password policy level

Introduction: In today’s digital landscape, setting up and managing databases is a crucial aspect of many software projects. Among the most popular database management systems is MySQL, renowned for its reliability and scalability. This guide will walk you through the process of installing MySQL on Ubuntu 24.04, along with creating… Continue Reading How to setup MySQL and create a user on Ubuntu 24.04?

Introduction: In this post, you create an SQL Server database instance in Amazon RDS. Step:1 Navigate to the Amazon RDS console. On the main page, choose Create Database to create a new database. Step:2 This initiates the database creation wizard. In the Engine options section, choose Microsoft SQL Server as the Engine type. Then choose the edition… Continue Reading How to create a SQL Server database instance in Amazon RDS?

Introduction Updating secure and unsecure URLs directly in the Magento database can be necessary when you need to modify your website’s base URLs swiftly and efficiently. This method bypasses the Magento admin panel and allows you to edit the configuration stored in the database directly. It’s handy when you’re unable… Continue Reading How to update secure and unsecure URLs directly in the Magento database

Introduction: MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database management system known for its flexibility and scalability. It’s commonly used in modern web development and other applications requiring high-performance data storage. This guide will walk you through the steps to install MongoDB on Ubuntu 22.04. Prerequisites: Before you begin, make sure you… Continue Reading How to install MongoDB in Ubuntu 22.04

Introduction: A replica set in MongoDB is a group of MongoDB processes that maintain the same data set with a designated primary node and one or more secondary nodes. Replica sets provide redundancy and high availability, forming the foundation for robust production deployments Prerequisites: Implementation Step 1: Open the MongoDB… Continue Reading How to Generate a Connection String for a MongoDB Replica Set Using MongoDB Compass

Introduction A collection is a grouping of MongoDB documents. Documents within a collection can have different fields. A collection is the equivalent of a table in a relational database system. A collection exists within a single database Prerequisites Implementation Step 1: SSH the server where the Mongo database is running $ ssh user@IP… Continue Reading How to clear the data from a Mongo DB collection

Introduction MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that is used for storing large amounts of data in a flexible and JSON-like format. The Backup and Restore in MongoDB is an important part to handle a database. This utility is important because the valuable data can be removed or crashed or… Continue Reading How to backup and restore a Mongo Database

Introduction Odoo ERP is an online SaaS solution for supporting and integrating business activities such as production planning, manufacturing, logistics, finance, accounting, warehouse management, and human resources. The key benefits of Odoo are: Integrate systems and services. Automate the business process Prerequisite Implementation Step 1: SSH the server  $ ssh… Continue Reading How to reset an Odoo user password in the database