Introduction: In this post, you create an SQL Server database instance in Amazon RDS. Step:1 Navigate to the Amazon RDS console. On the main page, choose Create Database to create a new database. Step:2 This initiates the database creation wizard. In the Engine options section, choose Microsoft SQL Server as the Engine type. Then choose the edition… Continue Reading How to create a SQL Server database instance in Amazon RDS?

Mounting Amazon S3 Cloud Storage in Windows: Open Windows PowerShell as Administrator. Create the directory to download and store rclone files: mkdir c:\rclone Go to the created directory: cd c:\rclone Download rclone by using the direct link mentioned above: Invoke-WebRequest -Uri “” -OutFile “c:\rclone\” Extract files from the downloaded archive: Expand-Archive -path ‘c:\rclone\’ -destinationpath… Continue Reading How to Mount Amazon S3 bucket as a Drive 

Follow the below steps to create VPC in AWS Step1: Login to the AWS consoleStep2: Navigate to the VPC board Step3: On the VPC Dashboard, choose Launch VPC Wizard. Step 4: Choose VPC only and give Name tag, private IPv4 address and then click on create. Now VPC will be created.To check… Continue Reading How to create VPC in AWS

How to set up Gitlab Backups within Amazon S3 Bucket Date: 30-08-2021 Step 1: Log in to the GitLab server via SSH as root. Step 2: Use the following command to create the backup if you’ve installed GitLab with the Omnibus package.# gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create Step 3: This backup creates an… Continue Reading How to set up Gitlab Backups within Amazon S3 Bucket

Please follow the below steps to setup backup of mysql database from server to Amazon s3. Login to AWS console, create IAM user, download the credentials and attach AmazonS3Full access policy to the IAM user. Install AWS CLI and configure by following the below commands. apt install awscli -y aws… Continue Reading Automate MySQLdump Backup from server(backend) to Amazon S3

Please follow the below steps inorder to download files from S3 bucket 1) yum install s3cmd- Cent OS sudo apt-get install s3cmd – Ubuntu/Debian 2) s3cmd –configure It will ask for Access key & Secret key. Give them and proceed further 3) List all S3 bucket s3cmd ls 4) Download… Continue Reading How to download files from S3 bucket to local machine or server

Login to AWS console and go to S3. Create a new S3 bucket or if you want to copy the objects to another existing bucket, you can use it. Install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) with the below steps.a) curl “” -o “”b) unzip awscliv2.zipc) sudo… Continue Reading How to copy objects from one bucket to another bucket in the same region.

How To Add DNS Record In AWS Lightsail Date : 24-10-2020 Step : 1 Login to your AWS account. Step : 2 Select lightsail option. Step : 3 Select networking option. Step : 4 Choose the domain you want to add DNS records. Step : 5 Click add record option.… Continue Reading How To Add DNS Record In AWS Lightsail

Step 1: Verify that the EC2Config service is running Before you attempt to reset the administrator password, verify that the EC2Config service is installed and running. You use the EC2Config service to reset the administrator password later in this section. To verify that the EC2Config service is running Open the… Continue Reading Resetting the Windows administrator password using EC2Config

How to delete databases in Amazon RDS Date: 13-05-2020 Introduction: Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. Amazon RDS Free Tier. It helps new AWS customers get started with a managed database service in the cloud for free. Step 1: Open Amazon RDS… Continue Reading How to delete databases in Amazon RDS