How to set up Gitlab Backups within Amazon S3 Bucket Date: 30-08-2021 Step 1: Log in to the GitLab server via SSH as root. Step 2: Use the following command to create the backup if you’ve installed GitLab with the Omnibus package.# gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create Step 3: This backup creates an… Continue Reading How to set up Gitlab Backups within Amazon S3 Bucket

Please follow the below steps to backup the MongoDB.1) Install AWS CLI with the below command.pip install awscli –upgrade –user2) Configure AWS client with the below configure3) After running the above command it will ask for the below details which are related to IAM user. If you have not… Continue Reading How to backup our MongoDB and push the file into AWS S3 in Ubuntu

How to Backup and Restore cPanel Account form Backend. Date : 05/06/2019 Introduction : Taking Backup of any hosting account is very necessary & safe. Cpanel provides a scripts which will help to backup & restore becomes more easy. Command pkgacct is used for backup cpanel web hosting accounts and… Continue Reading How to Backup and Restore cPanel Account form Backend

1) Login to the cPanel 2) Go to “Files” 3) Click on “Backup” 4) Under “Full Backup” option 5) Select “Download or Generate a Full Backup Website” 6) Click on “Generate Backup”Note: It will take some time to complete the full backup of your domain.

Here, is the script that we used to take backup of all the MSSQL database present in the windows server. You would need to get the “Sa” password from any website web.config file.=============================== @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL REM Created By Dhanasekaran for /F “tokens=2-4 delims=/ ” %%A in (‘Date /T’) DO… Continue Reading Bacth script to take backup of all the database MSSQL