Introduction:Personal access tokens (PATs) are an alternative to using passwords for authentication to GitHub when using the GitHub API or the command line. You can create a personal access token to use in place of a password when you are working with GitHub Operations. To generate the personal access token. Prerequisite:GitHub… Continue Reading How to create a new token from GitHub

Introduction GitLab is a web-based Git repository that provides free open and private repositories, issue-following capabilities, and wikis. It is a complete DevOps platform that enables professionals to perform all the tasks in a project—from project planning and source code management to monitoring and security Prerequisites Implementation Step 1: SSH to… Continue Reading How to upgrade Gitlab to the latest version

IntroductionGitHub is an online software development platform. It’s used for storing, tracking, and collaborating on software projects. It makes it easy for developers to share code files and collaborate with fellow developers on open-source projects Prerequisites Implementation Step 1: Access on the browser and  navigate to the main page… Continue Reading How to add repository secrets in GitHub

Please follow the below steps to mirror a repository. 1) Create a new private repo in the destination GitHub account with the same repo name or different name.2) Open Terminal3) Create a bare clone of the repository in the terminal with the below command. 4) Mirror-push to the new repository with… Continue Reading Mirroring a Repository

How to set up Gitlab Backups within Amazon S3 Bucket Date: 30-08-2021 Step 1: Log in to the GitLab server via SSH as root. Step 2: Use the following command to create the backup if you’ve installed GitLab with the Omnibus package.# gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create Step 3: This backup creates an… Continue Reading How to set up Gitlab Backups within Amazon S3 Bucket

How to use push,pull,commit in android studio. Date: 26 /04/2019 Prerequisite Enable Version Control in android studio. Remote repository configured with your project. Account in git lab. Step 1:Push command Every Git project should have a remote or central repository where other developers can collaborate on the project from anywhere… Continue Reading How to use push,pull,commit in android studio.

Git Error: Permission denied (publickey) Date posted: 04/04/2019 Introduction Usually this kind of error will occur for different kind of issues. One of the cause is if remote machine doesn’t match with local machine’s public key or doesn’t have public key. It is solvable. Prerequisites If you generate key without… Continue Reading Git Error: Permission denied (publickey)

Git Commands and Tutorials Date posted : 21.09.2018 In this article we learn about the overview of git commands and step by step tutorials. Basic Git Tutorial: This tutorial provides a list of the most common GIT commands and a short description to explore lot in it. Git at three… Continue Reading Git Commands and Tutorials

How to install SSL certificate on gitlab Date Posted: 06-10-2017 This post explains on how to install SSL certificate on gitlab. This post assumes that we have SSL certificate purchased already and we have a private key with us. Assumption: Gitlab installed. Configuration path is /etc/gitlab SSL certificate and private key… Continue Reading How to install SSL certificate on gitlab

Scenario 1: I had setup SSH key with a passphrase  to access all my servers/machines. However, its annoying(also non-productive) to enter passpharse every time I want to ssh into another machine. Scenario 2: I want clone a git repo into another machine other from my laptop. However, that git repo… Continue Reading How to use SSH Key with passpharse for SSH forwarding