Introduction: Ubuntu 20.04, codenamed “Focal Fossa,” is the latest Long Term Support (LTS) release of one of the most popular Linux distributions in the world. Released in April 2020, Ubuntu 20.04 builds upon the strengths of its predecessors while introducing several new features and improvements. Step1: Login to the server… Continue Reading How to set up a welcome message for Ubuntu 20.04?

Sort du output based on file size Date posted: 31/07/2019 Objective:- In this article we will explain how to sort the files and folders size using du command. Solution:- You can run this command to show the results Sample output: Thanks for using pheonix solutions.

How to Install Cmake on form source Linux. Date : 22/05/2019 Introduction : If you want to install cmake in system packages manager please follow this blog how-to-install-cmake-on-linux and also known about cmake option. Prerequisite : Before install, to check the lastest version of the cmake click here and take… Continue Reading How to Install Cmake form source on Linux.

How to Install Apache on macOS via Homebrew Date Posted : 25-Oct-2018 Installation steps as follows, Loginas root user or super user to perform this task, Step 1 – Install Apache on macOS Remove built-in Apache server (if any) from your system. Open a terminal and execute commands to stop… Continue Reading How to Install Apache on macOS via Homebrew

How to migrate CPanel Account manually from backend Posted on : 03-11-2018 In this article, we are going to see about the efficient and fastest method to transfer WHM accounts from one server to another and restoring the same in new server. Assumption : If we need to migrate all… Continue Reading How to migrate CPanel Account manually from backend

Things to know about Firewall cmd Date : 22-Oct-2018 firewall-cmd – Firewall Command Line Client tool. This is part of the firewalld application,which is installed by default. Introduction:  Firewall-cmd is the command line client of the firewalld daemon (firewall management tool for Linux OS). It provides interface to manage… Continue Reading Things to know about Firewall cmd

How to Backup OpenVZ containers (VM’s) using vzdump on Centos / RHEL Date Posted : 10-10-2018 OpenVZ is a linux based Kernel virtualization technology developed by SWSoft for its commercial product Virtuozzo.In this article we are going to learn about how to backup VM’s which are running under Hardware node.… Continue Reading How to Backup OpenVZ containers (VM’s) using vzdump on Centos / RHEL

Nagios Remote Host Monitoring Dated on :05/10/2018 On Remote Host Step 1: Install the compiler gcc,glibc yum install -y gcc glibc glibc-common gd gd-devel make net-snmp openssl-devel Step 2: Add the user for the nagios using useradd nagios Note: If already exist skip this. Step 3: Add the password for… Continue Reading Nagios Remote Host Monitoring

How to Install Let’s Encrypt SSL Date posted: 28-sep-2018 Please follow  this steps to install the SSL certificate. Step 1: Install CertBot Type the given commands sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-certbot-apache   Step 2: Install Let’s Encrypt SSL Install Let’s Encrypt… Continue Reading How to Install Let’s Encrypt SSL