Introduction: Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to write server-side applications using the same language as client-side web development. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it efficient and scalable, even for handling large amounts of data in real-time. Its rich library of modules and… Continue Reading How to start a node on the server

1. Finding files by ownership. Find a file owned by a specific group. $ find /home -group groupname Find a file owned by a specific user: $ find /home -user username 2. Finding files by permission. Find files of a specific set of permissions, 777 in this example: $ find… Continue Reading How to find files based on permissions and ownership?

How to enable HTTP2 support in Apache Date posted: 25/09/2019 Objective:- HTTP/2 is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol used by the World Wide Web. It was derived from the earlier experimental SPDY protocol, originally developed by Google. HTTP/2 was developed by the Hypertext Transfer Protocol working group… Continue Reading How to enable HTTP2 support in Apache

Sort du output based on file size Date posted: 31/07/2019 Objective:- In this article we will explain how to sort the files and folders size using du command. Solution:- You can run this command to show the results Sample output: Thanks for using pheonix solutions.

ValueError: unknown locale: UTF-8 Date posted : 07/06/2019 There are times when install some packages, you will end getting this error due to locale issue. Solution: You need to add locale settings in environment file. Open the file and append below lines. Thanks for using pheonix solutions. You find this tutorial… Continue Reading ValueError: unknown locale: UTF-8

How to Install Go on CentOS – 7 Date Posted: 15/05/2019 Introduction Go, often referred to as golang is a ultra modern open source programming language created by Google. In day today life, many popular applications such as , Docker, Kubernetes and Hugo, are written in Go language. In this… Continue Reading How to Install Go on CentOS-7

Configure uwsgi with nginx for Django applications Date Posted: 11-05-2018 In this article, we’ll be explaining how to run uwsgi server with nginx for Django applications. Prerequisties:- 1. python2.7 2. nginx 3. pip 4. uwsgi Note: We are configuring this setup on RHEL 7.4. The same can be used for… Continue Reading Configure uwsgi with nginx for Django applications

Change mysql data directory on cPanel| Safely move mysql data directory – Centos Date Posted: 05-05-2018 This post explains on how to move or setup different data directory for mysql application. If there is no database exists, skip the first step. This post deals with moving data directory to /home/mysql… Continue Reading Change mysql data directory on cPanel| Safely move mysql data directory – Centos

Clear Journal logs on Linux host Date Posted: 29-04-2018 We ran out of disk space on our server and /var consumes more disk space. On checking further,  /var/log/journal consumes more disk space. The safest way to remove unnecessary entries via journalctl journalctl –vacuum-size=128M Now, verify journalctl. journalctl –verify Edit SystemMaxuse on /etc/systemd/journald.conf vi /etc/systemd/journald.conf SystemMaxUse=128M  

lfd on hostname High 5 minute load average alert| Increase load average threshold on csf Date posted: 13-11-2017 Consider a scenario where we have multiple cores and by default lfd will send notification incase if the server load goes more than 5. Csf doesn’t detect the number of cores and… Continue Reading lfd on hostname High 5 minute load average alert| Increase load average threshold on csf