Date Posted on:04-01-2017 Ubuntu 16.04 doesn’t have php 5.6 by default. Normally, if we install php on ubuntu 16.04, it will install php 7. Many application (at the time of this post 04-01-2017) runs only with php 5.6 and may face issue with Php7. In this post, we are gonna… Continue Reading Install apache 2.4, php5.6 on Ubuntu 16.04

This post covers 2 section which helps to boost the website performance. As we know, nginx is fast webserver and we are going to improve the performance by tweaking few more parameters on nginx. If the server doesn’t have nginx installed then follow the post . Assumption: Nginx webserver Centos or… Continue Reading Enable Expires Headers, gzip compression on nginx

Sometimes, you would need to give sudo privilege to many users. For providing sudo privilege for a single user, refer the following post.   —– —–   For providing sudo privilege for many users, create a group and add all the users in that group. So, if we give… Continue Reading Providing sudo privilege for a group.

How to harden the Linux server or centos 5 or centos 6.2 SPRI (Priority Scheduler) cd /root/ wget tar xvfz spri-*.tar.gz cd spri-* ./ spri -v PRM (Process Resource Monitor) cd /root wget tar xvfz prm-*.tar.gz cd prm-* ./ prm -j Temporary Directory Hardening —————————– /bin/cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak… Continue Reading Hardening the linux server or cenos 5/6.2

I have installed the CSF in the server. When I try to run the perl test in the CSF, it is giving the following error. # perl /etc/csf/ Testing ip_tables/iptable_filter…OK Testing ipt_LOG…OK Testing ipt_multiport/xt_multiport…OK Testing ipt_REJECT…OK Testing ipt_state/xt_state…OK Testing ipt_limit/xt_limit…OK Testing ipt_recent…FAILED [Error: iptables: Unknown error 4294967295] – Required for… Continue Reading CSF error some missing iptables modules [4] ipt_REDIRECT…FAILED, ipt_owner, ipt_recent, iptables_nat