Date Posted: 04-05-2017 We are getting continuous 500 internal server on our php-fpm/fcgi apache server. The log reports the following error [Day Month xx 10:09:14.269068 2017] [fastcgi:error] [pid 1422] [client xx.xx.xx.xx:59020] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server “/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php7-fcgi” [Day Month  xx 10:09:46.864781 2017] [fastcgi:error] [pid 1690] [client xx.xx.xx.xx:59021] FastCGI: comm with server… Continue Reading FastCGI: comm with server “/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php7-fcgi” aborted: idle timeout

Create User and login without password(passwordless authentication)|Private/Public Key Based Authentication Date Posted:04-05-2017 Using password based login is always security risk. Incase if the password is known to others then it will be easy for them to access the machine. To overcome this situation, its always good to create a user… Continue Reading Create User and login without password(passwordless authentication)

Learn Find Command and usages Date Posted: 28-03-2017 Find is a command which is used to find files and directories based on various scenario. In this post, we will explain find command and usage with some examples. Find a filename called test.txt on the directory /home/pheonixsolutions. The below command search all… Continue Reading Learn Find Command and usages

Change SSH Default Port and Disable SSH Root Login Date Posted:12-04-2017 By default linux machine SSH port is 22 and root login would be enabled. We will explain on how to change SSH default port and Disable SSH Root login. We need to make sure to add new user which has… Continue Reading Change SSH Default Port and Disable SSH Root Login

Install Tomcat server on Ubuntu 16 Date Posted:05-04-2016 Tomcat is a webserver used to deploy java application. We will install tomcat server 8 version and java 1.8 version on Ubuntu Host. Implementation: Before installing tomcat or java, we will perform system upgrades on host. apt-get update apt-get upgrade Install tomcat8… Continue Reading Install Tomcat server on Ubuntu 16

Add Multiple Domains(virtual Hosts) on Apache Ubuntu Date Posted:04-04-2017 Apache popular well known webserver which can be used to serve multiple domains on a single server. This post assumes that apache is already installed and we will deal with how to add multiple domains in it. Assumption: Ubuntu Host Apache… Continue Reading Add Multiple Domains(virtual Hosts) on Apache Ubuntu

Date Posted:21-03-2017 Normally, we requires multiple domain names or wildcard domain name (*) or  www  points to same directory. In apache, we use ServerAlias to achieve the same. In this post, we will explain on how to add Serveralias on Nginx webserver. If nginx is not installed, please follow the… Continue Reading Setup ServerAlias on Ngnix Webserver(Alias domain name )

Date Posted:12-02-2017 Redis is a in memory cache used as database cache, database to serve the page faster. We are not going to deal with how the application works, usage,etc., Refer redis official documentation to get to know the use case,etc., Prerequisites: Ubuntu 16 Nginx webserver Php If webserver or… Continue Reading Enable redis module on php – nginx webserver

Date Posted:06-01-2017 In many scenario, we don’t want particular page to be crawled by bots or we want page to be restricted for particular users. In this post, we gonna explain on how to add authorization page on nginx webserver. Incase, if the server doesn’t have nginx installed, please follow… Continue Reading Enable Authorization(password protected) page on nginx – Ubuntu

Date Posted:05-01-2016 By default, apache logs the IP address where the request comes from. Consider a scenario where webserver(in our post, we deals with apache) behind load balancer either EC2 load balancer or haproxy load balancer,etc., where the request will come to load balancer and loadbalancer transfer the request to… Continue Reading Enable remote IP address logging on apache2 behind load balancer