Remove server name from Apache headers:- It is essential to remove Apache server header to hide Apache server information and protect your website from malicious attackers. Here’s how to remove server name from Apache response header using htaccess. You can use it to hide the Apache version and server type… Continue Reading Hide server details and disable TLSV1.0 and TLSV1.1

How to solve the Website internal server error from the following apache error log”Invalid command ‘Header’ perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration” Date: 16-12-2020 Step 1: You are getting above error due to header module is not enabled in Apache on Ubuntu. You… Continue Reading How to solve the Website internal server error from the following apache error log”Invalid command ‘Header’ perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration”

Force HTTP to HTTP Date posted : 06/02/2019 In this post we will explain redirect the url from http to https. Before you follow this steps, you need ssl certificate for your domain. Step 1: Create or update the .httacess file with following code After you have added the code… Continue Reading Force HTTP to HTTPS

Client denied by server configuration apache 2.4 Date Posted: 12-10-2017 The following error we have seen on the following log after we setup apache server on linux host. Client denied by server configuration apache 2.4 Reason: This error normally occurs if the documentroot is not allowed on virtualhost configuration. Consider,… Continue Reading Client denied by server configuration apache 2.4