If your site takes a long time to load and finally you get an error that it’s not available, that means your connection has timed out.

This simply happens when your site is trying to do more than the server can handle and is particularly common in shared hosting environments with limited resources.

Please follow below steps to resolve this.

  1. Deactivate all plugins:- Plugin problems can also cause timeouts. Deactivate all plugins and then reactivate them one by one until you have found the culprit.
  2. Switch to a default theme:- Timed-out connections are also sometimes due to theme issues. A faulty theme can also be the problem and you can test this by using one of the WordPress default themes (anything with “Twenty” at the beginning of the theme name).
  3. Increase your PHP memory limit:- You need to increase the limit of the available memory, which happens inside wp-config.php.
    To do so, open the file (again, via FTP) and add the following line:
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’).
    This will increase the memory limit to 64MB (you can also set it to 128MB or 256MB if necessary). Be sure to include the line right after where it says “That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging”.

If neither of the above works, it’s time to contact your hosting provider.

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