DKIM – enable in EXIM
————cpan install Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA
cpan install Digest::SHA
cpan install Mail::Address
cpan install MIME::Base64
cpan install Net::DNS
cpan install Net::Server
cpan install Error
Download and install the Mail::DKIM module:
tar -zxvf Mail-DKIM-0.39.tar.gz
cd Mail-DKIM-0.39
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
Download and install DKIMProxy:
tar -zxvf dkimproxy-1.4.1.tar.gz
cd dkimproxy-1.4.1
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/dkimproxy
make install
Then we will need to add the following dkim user to the server.
——useradd -M dkim
Create a startup/shutdown script for the filter. A sample script ( is provided… make sure to check, and modify if necessary, the user, group, and directory found in the script. Also, you may need to adjust command-line arguments for starting the filter(s). Then you can copy it to /etc/init.d/dkimproxy and use it like any other init script.
cp /etc/init.d/dkimproxy