
Moving a MySQL data directory to a new location can be necessary when the original storage is limited, or we want to optimize database performance by using faster storage.


  1. Before making any changes, back up MySQL data to avoid accidental loss or corruption.

Step 1:

To prevent data corruption, stop the MySQL service before moving files

sudo systemctl stop mysql

Step 2:

Assume the current MySQL data directory is located at /var/lib/mysql, and want to move it to /new/mysql_data. Use the following command to copy all data to the new location.

rsync -av /var/lib/mysql /new/mysql_data

Step 3:

Next, configure MySQL to use the new data directory by editing the MySQL configuration file.

sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf

Locate the datadir parameter, which by default points to /var/lib/mysql

datadir = /var/lib/mysql

Change it to new data directory path

datadir = /new/mysql_data

Step 4:

If we are on a system with AppArmor (common on Debian and Ubuntu), need to update AppArmor’s settings to allow MySQL access to the new directory.

Edit the AppArmor configuration file for MySQL

sudo vi /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld

Add the new path so AppArmor permits MySQL to read/write there

/new/mysql_data/ r,
/new/mysql_data/** rwk,

Save and reload AppArmor to apply the changes

sudo systemctl restart apparmor

Step 5:

Ensure that the new MySQL directory has the right ownership and permissions so that MySQL can access it properly

sudo chown -R mysql:mysql /new/mysql_data

Step 6:

Once the above steps are completed, restart the MySQL service to apply the changes

sudo systemctl start mysql

Step 7:

Log into MySQL to confirm that it is using the new data directory. Run the following command

mysql -u root -p
If the output displays a new data directory path, then the changes were successfully applied


Relocating the MySQL data directory on Ubuntu 20.04 can improve performance and free up space in the system’s root directory.

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