In this post, we are gonna explain how to establish tunnel between local machine to your server. The following are the few use cases.

  • When any application/domain is restricted particularly to the network.
  • When you want to open the application/domain which is in private network.
  • If you are looking to book IRCTC ticket :P. There is a restriction in irctc network where you will be allowed to book only 2 tatkal ticket from particular IP address


  • SSH access to the machine
  • Putty client or terminal


Open your putty and configure the following settings.

1.Under Session, add the following details

Hostname(or IP address):<Your Server IP address>

Port: <SSH port number> Default it will be 22

Connection Type:SSH













2. On the putty, move to SSH > Tunnels and configure the tunnel.

Source port:1990

Destination: Select Dynamic

Click on Add














3. Click on Open. Enter the username and password. Thats it. A tunnel is established. Now, we are gonna show you how to configure firefox to use the tunnel.

Configure firefox to use tunnel:

1. Open Firefox. Go to Preferences > Options

2. Under Advanced > Network > Settings



Firefox_network3. Select the option Manual proxy configuration and configure as follows

SOCKS Host:localhost

Port:1990(this port we used while we configure tunnel on putty)

4. Click on OK

You have successfully completed the setup. Now, access the internal sites or any restricted site.



Access, you will see your server IP address rather than your local ISP address





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