Wheel user to become as root (su -) without password
1. Create a user:
useradd test
passwd test
2. Add this user in wheel group.
usermod -a -G wheel test
3. Now, Edit PAM configuration file for su. (/etc/pam.d/su)
 vi /etc/pam.d/su
uncomment below line
auth sufficient /lib/security/$ISA/pam_wheel.so trust use_uid
This will allow users in wheel group as a trusted users.
4. Login as test user.
 #su –
It will not ask for password.
If we add the test user in “visudo”, we need to use “sudo su -” to become root without password.
1. visudo or vi /etc/sudo
2. Add the below lineÂ
3. Save and exit
It will also grant root privilege for the user “test”, but we need to use “sudo su -” to became as a root.