Writing the Configuration File

Understanding Configuration Files

The configuration file is where all the magic happens! Here, you specify your settings and capabilities for mobile testing.

How to Write a Configuration File in CodeceptJS

You will generally find this configuration in the codecept.conf.js file. Here’s a basic example of how it looks:
exports.config = {
helpers: {
Appium: {
app: ‘/path/to/your/app.apk’,
platform: ‘Android’,
platformVersion: ‘11.0’,
deviceName: ‘YourDeviceName’
include: {},
bootstrap: null,
mocha: {},
name: ‘codecept-mobile-test’

Desired Capabilities Explained

What Are Desired Capabilities?

Desired capabilities are a set of key-value pairs sent to the Appium server that specify the conditions for your test environment. Essentially, they are instructions that help your mobile app know what to do.

Importance in Mobile Testing

They guide the Appium server in launching the application on the device with the required configurations. Without setting these capabilities properly, you might face issues like failure to launch the app or incorrect device settings.

Setting Desired Capabilities

How to Set Desired Capabilities

In the configuration file, you define these capabilities typically within the helper settings as shown above.

Common Desired Capabilities for Mobile Testing

  • platformName: The name of the mobile OS (Android/iOS).
  • platformVersion: The version of the mobile OS.
  • deviceName: Name of the mobile device.
  • app: Path to your application file (APK for Android).

Using these capabilities helps create a more reliable test execution environment.

Adding an APK File to Your Project

What is an APK File?

An APK (Android Package Kit) is the file format used to distribute and install application software on Android devices. You need this file to test your app through CodeceptJS.

Steps to Include the APK File Path in Your Project

  1. Place your APK file in a dedicated folder within your project (e.g., ./apps).
  2. Update the app path in your configuration file accordingly.

Configuration in CodeceptJS

Structure of CodeceptJS Configuration

Ensure your codecept.conf.js is updated with the app’s path correctly set. Here’s how your configuration might look:
exports.config = {
helpers: {
Appium: {
app: ‘./apps/YourApp.apk’,



Example Configuration with APK File

Here’s a complete snippet of what your configuration could look like:
exports.config = {
tests: ‘./*_test.js’,
helpers: {
Appium: {
app: ‘./apps/MyMobileApp.apk’,
platform: ‘Android’,
platformVersion: ‘10.0’,
deviceName: ‘MyDevice’
include: {},
bootstrap: null,
mocha: {},
name: ‘my-mobile-project’

Writing Your First Test

Structuring Your Test

Creating your first test is a thrilling moment! Let’s create a basic test to ensure your app launches successfully.

Sample Test Cases

Create a new file, say my_test.js, and write the following sample test:
Feature(‘My Mobile App Launch’);

Scenario(‘Launch My App’, ({ I }) => {
I.see(‘Welcome Screen’); // replace with your app’s welcome message

Running Your Test

How to Execute Tests in CodeceptJS

Once you’ve written your test, it’s time for the fun part—running it!

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Navigate to your project directory.
  3. Run the following command:npx codecept run --steps

This command will execute your tests and show the steps in the console.

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