Posted Date:04-03-2017 In this Post we will explain how to validate html/php forms using jquery validator. First we will made a simple validation form using JQuery. Step 1: Include jQuery And Validation Plugin Create a new HTML file named index.html and include jQuery before the closing body tag: Step 2:Create the HTML… Continue Reading Simple form jquery validation in php

Date Posted:05-03-2015 This post explains on how to redirect all http request to https on nginx server which are behind load balancer. Assumption: Ubuntu or Centos Nginx Webserver- If nginx is not installed on the serer, refer the following URL to install. Implementation: Let’s assume that the server has only… Continue Reading Redirect http to https on nginx behind load balancers

Date Posted:03/03/2017 One of our VM didnt come up and we tried to restart network service and we get the following below error. Device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization Normally, this error occurs when there is a mismatch of mac address in the network configuration file… Continue Reading Device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization

Date Posted: 28-02-2017 NFS(Network File system) used to mount remote files to the server. In this post, we will cover up on how to setup NFS server and mount the NFS directory to the client server. Assumption: 1.  Ubuntu Server. One server is Ubuntu Server used for NFS server and… Continue Reading Setup NFS server and configure NFS mount point on Ubuntu

Date Posted:25-02-2017 Assumption: Ubuntu Server Any custom Service. In our example, we will forward the port 8080 request to other server. We are gonna explain on how to install haproxy on Ubuntu server. Additionally, we will show up on how to configure service which forwards a requests from haproxy to… Continue Reading Install haproxy and configure haproxy

Posted Date:22-02-2017 In this Post we will explain how to create dynamic input elements and remove elements in php page using javascript/jquery. Example : In this post  we will add the dynamic input field of file one by one and remove and upload it. First ,Create the new file and include… Continue Reading Add and remove dynamic input elements

Posted Date:21-02-2017 This Post will explain how to download the directory using php. Assumption value: $sourecedir = ‘images/’;//this is an path of the folder name $zip_file = ‘’;//this is an downloadable zip foler name There two variable $sourcedir and $zipfile, $sourcedir varible mention the folder and $zipfile mention downloadable folder name.… Continue Reading Php zip a directory and automatically download

Date Posted:22-02-2017 Its a biggest challenge for a new mail server to reach popular mail provider user’s inbox. One of the best way is to sign the outgoing mail server using dkim. There are multiple ways to implement dkim signing. We are going to use opendkim as a service to… Continue Reading Dkim Setup on Postfix Mailserver – Centos 6/7

Posted Date:20-02-2017 This Post will explain how to search multiple string in mysql without using find_in_set function. In mysql find_in_set function possible check only string like this Example: find_in_set(‘a’,’a,b,c,d’) But not possible Search like this find_in_set(‘a,b,c,d’,’a,b,c,d’) if the we want multiple search the text only possible like this find_in_set(‘a’, ‘a,b,c,d’)… Continue Reading MySQL find_in_set with multiple search string

Date Posted:17-02-2017 This post we will explain on how to integrate tinymce into  webpage. This example we add two type of textara one is static and dynamic texarea  with tinymce editor First Step,create new file and Include the script source files inside head <script src=””></script> <script src=”//”></script> Second step add… Continue Reading Dynamic textarea with TinyMce editor