Magento stripe: Install magento 2 Stripe Extension: Step 1: Download magento 2 stripe extension and unzip it. Extension: Step 2: Have to upload the unzipped stripe extension files to this directory Applications/MAMP/htdocs/app/code/StripeIntegration/Payments Step 3: Commands to run the stripe payments: – Have to open the terminal, navigate to magento… Continue Reading How to set up and Install Stripe in Magento 2

Overview of MAGENTO: 1.Magento is an open source e-commerce software. 2.Useful for online business requirements. 3.This has flexibility and scalability so it used for both user-friendly and search engine friendly websites. 4.Magento is a Content Management System (CMS). System Requirements: The system requires, Web services requirements: =>Apache2 =>Nginx Database Engine… Continue Reading Goals of setting up of Apache,PHP,MySQL and Magento on macOS