Introduction:Specificity is the algorithm used by browsers to determine which CSS rule applies to a particular element when one or more styling applied to the same element. It is calculated based on the types of selectors used. The Specificity algorithm calculates the weight of the selector to determine which rule… Continue Reading CSS Specificity

Introduction: In todays Digital World, The user experience is the success of any website application. Frontend performance optimization which mainly focus on speed and efficiency of user interface is essential to deliver a seamless experience. This can be achieved by implementing various strategies. User Satisfaction: Faster load times helps for… Continue Reading Performance Optimization for Frontend Applications

Introduction: In modern web page design, creating responsive web pages and visually appealing layouts is very important. The layout management options available to satisfy both these conditions are Flexbox and Grid layout. Even though both help to design pages effectively, they are used in different scenarios. This blog explains the… Continue Reading CSS Layouts: Flexbox and Grid

Introduction: Animations play an important role in modern web applications. They enhance the user experience by making the interfaces more intuitive and adding a sense of interactivity. In React Projects animations can be used to transition elements smoothly, indicate important actions, or create visually appealing effects that will engage users.… Continue Reading Including Animations to a React Project

Introduction: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet, a standard language that specifies how to display content on a web page. With CSS, we can control the design layout and its components for various devices, such as desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. Examples of components are header, footer, body, section and… Continue Reading Front-end Development – CSS

A breadcrumb is a secondary navigation scheme that helps to find the user’s location in a website or web application. A breadcrumb menu or trial usually appears in a horizontal line at the top of user’s current page in the form of clickable links. We should use breadcrumbs for large… Continue Reading Adding Breadcrumbs to a Web Page

In our previous blog, we discussed front-end development is done using HTML,CSS and Javascript. In this blog, we will explore the fundamentals of Javascript and how it demands site functionality. Introduction: Javascript is basically created/developed to make “web pages alive”. The codes/programs in this language are called as “scripts”. They… Continue Reading Front-end Development – Javascript

Introduction Front-end development is developing visual and interactive elements in a website where users interact directly. It is developed with combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript coding. HTML provides the structure for website, CSS helps in styling and Layout and JavaScript describes the dynamic behavior and interaction. What does a… Continue Reading 1. Introduction to Front-end Development

A variable is usually a placeholder of information that can be used later in the program. For declaring variables, we need to follow certain rules. Rules for naming variables: Declaring Variables: we can declare varibales using 2 ways: Example: The only difference between the 2 method of declaring variables is… Continue Reading Go Lang – Variables

Go, also known as GoLang is an open source programming language. It was designed to be efficient, easy to learn and to provide support for modern hardware architectures. It is often used to build large scale distributed systems and high-performance applications. Important features: 1.Simplicity – Easy to learn and use.… Continue Reading Introduction to Go Lang