FileZilla is a free, graphics based FTP client that turns FTP into a simple drag-and-drop and right-click and select environment. You can download FileZilla from Once you have FileZilla downloaded and installed, run it. A window will open that will have boxes for your host and login details and… Continue Reading FTP experience much more pleasant and friendly, is using an FTP client- “FileZilla”

Catching Spammers on cPanel Servers: Follow the steps given below to catch Spammers sending mails from scripts ( nobody emails 1. Edit /etc/exim.conf 2. On the second line add (After hostlist auth_relay_hosts = * ) : log_selector = +address_rewrite +all_parents +arguments +connection_reject +delay_delivery +delivery_size +dnslist_defer +incoming_interface +incoming_port +lost_incoming_connection +queue_run +received_sender… Continue Reading Catching Spammers on cPanel Server -EXIM (MTA)

I have a server and running with Apache. I know that the cPanel has the bandwidth limit but the user should not exceed the normal limit of band width for a day or hour. How should I do that using Apache. You can use mod_bw on apache2 to limit the… Continue Reading Limit apache bandwidth per user

Forward Outgoing email in cPanel———————————————— I like to forward all incoming and outgoing email from my domain to another gmail or yahoo account. I am running with cPanel server. How should I do this. Also the emails that are being forwarded should not be know to any one. Unseen delivery… Continue Reading Forward Outgoing email

451 Temporarily unable to process your email. Please try again later.————————————————————————————————– I was trying to send emails. The mails are sent out from my account. But It didn’t deliver. I am not sure what was the reason. I have checked my logs in the cPanel server. My mail server is exim. When… Continue Reading 451 Temporarily unable to process your email. Please try again later.

Clobbering the files will  helps in keeping the files safe from Accidental over writing. It can be too easy to mistype a filename and find that you’ve redirected output into a file that you meant to save. To be on safer side you can set clobber for your important files… Continue Reading Clobbering a File

Script to check the email available in the qmail queue.————————————————————————— Use this script to find the emails available in the qmail queue. #!/bin/bash mails=`/var/qmail/bin/qmail-qstat |grep “messages in queue:”|awk ‘{print $4}’` if [ $mails -gt 200 ]; then SUBJECT=”Please check mail queue in RM7″ EMAIL=”” MESSAGE=”/tmp/message.txt” echo “Please Check mail queue… Continue Reading Script to check the qmail queue

Some times user can get a blank page while login to webmail/ Horde. Clearing the sessions under the path mentioned below will fix this issue. Change to the cPanel Horde sessions directory: # cd /var/cpanel/userhomes/cpanelhorde/sessions You can list the contents in it: # lltotal 2156-rw-r–r–  1 cpanelhorde cpanelhorde 2037760 Sep… Continue Reading Blank Page while login to Horde

Some times you may get Forbidden error when you access the site in browser. ——ERROR——Forbidden You don’t have permission to access / on this server. Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.—— When we check the apache logs,… Continue Reading DirectoryIndex : Forbidden Error

You can post or update any article in the wordpress site through the MS word 2007. You don’t need to login at the admin area of your WP site. Here are the steps. Steps :—— 1. Logged into the admin area of your wordpress site. Make sure that the Atompub… Continue Reading Post article in wordpress site through MS word 2007