Date Posted:24/03/2017

By default, webserver version, OS information will be visible to public which consider as a security problem because its not a good practice to expose server information. This may result in hackers to intrude your server incase if any vulnerability. So, its always good to hide all server information.


  1. Ubuntu or Centos Host
  2. Nginx Webserver

Incase if nginx is not installed, follow the below post depends on your server environment.


We have may to install nginx-extras on ubuntu host. This post only tested with Ubuntu host. We never tried this on centos host. You can still follow this post to achieve the same.

apt-get -y install nginx-extras

Before implementing, let’s test whether the server information is exposing to the public. Open a terminal and execute the below command.

curl -I http://IPaddress

The output will be displayed as below,

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Server: nginx/1.10.0 (Ubuntu)

Open the nginx.conf configuration. Under http section, identify and update/add/modify the below line

vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

server_tokens off; 
more_set_headers 'Server: PheonixSolutions'


server_tokens off will hide Os Information

more_set_headers sets user specified information.

Verify whether any syntax error on the configuration.

nginx -t

Restart nginx service.

service nginx restart


Execute the same curl command and see whether we are getting the same information.

curl http://IPaddress

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

Server:  PheonixSolutions

From above result, we can see OS information hided and Web Server information also modified.


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