In this article we are going to create a container in OpenVZ server


  1. OS template
  2. Hostname
  3. IP address
  4. Name servers


Step:1 Create a container with an os template.

Note :
(i) We take the container  ID as 104

(ii) OS template as ubuntu-18.04-x86_64
$vzctl create 104 – -ostemplate ubuntu-18.04-x86_64

Step 2: Save the container

$ vzctl set 104 – -save –onboot yes

Step 3: Specify the hostname as per your requirement

$vzctl set 104 – -save – -hostname your_hostname

Step 4: Specify the IP address  

 $vzctl set 104 – -save – -ipadd your_IP

Step 5: Mention the name servers. 

$vzctl set 104 – -save – -nameserver IP – -nameserver IP

Step 6: Save the Number of CPU’s for the particular container as per your requirement

$vzctl set 104 – -save – -cpus 2

Step 7: Save the RAM for the particular container as per your requirement

$vzctl set 104 – -save – -ram 4G

Step 8: Save the diskspace as per your requirement

$ vzctl set 104 – -save – -diskspace 50G

Step 9: Start the container which we have created 

 $vzctl start 104

Step 10: Provide the strong password for the container

$vzctl exec 104 passwd

Step 11: Check the status of the container which we have created on OpenVZ server

$vzlist -a

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