How to create a sub-user in Wasabi with console access and secret access
We can create multiple sub-users with different access policies in the Wasabi console.
Wasabi console root user credentials with all privileges
- Log in to the Wasabi console with the root credentials
URL: - Click on Users from the left frame
- From the Users Menu, choose “create user”, and provide the username, password.
Choose “Type of access” as per requirement and click on Next
- If required create a new group or choose the existing group from the drop-down menu and click on Next
- Select the preconfigured policies as per the requirement and click on Next then review the steps. Finally, click on the create user
- AmazonS3Full Access—Gives full access to all S3 resources, but no IAM access.
- AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess—Gives just the Get and List permissions on any S3 resource/bucket, but no IAM access.
- AdministratorAccess—Gives full access to all resources (IAM and S3) with no limitation whatsoever.
- WasabiReadOnlyAccess—Gives just the Get and List permissions to all S3 resources and login permissions to users.
- WasabiWriteOnlyAccess—Gives just the Put and MultipartAbort permissions to all S3 resources, but no IAM access. The user cannot sign in with just this policy attached.
- WasabiFullAccess—Gives full permissions to all S3 resources and sign-in permissions to users.
- WasabiAdministratorAccess—Gives full access to all resources (IAM and S3) with no limitation whatsoever. This is similar to AdministratorAccess, above.
- IAMUserChangePassword—Gives the user permission to change his/her password upon initial sign-in.
- WasabiViewBillingAccess—Gives the user permission to view the billing access portal.
- WasabiModifyBillingAccess—Gives the user permission to modify the billing access portal.
- It will show the Access key and Secret key. We need to download or save it in a safer place
- Log in to the console to test the sub-user access.
Note: select Sign in as a sub-user - Enter the root login ID in the first line, enter the sub-user login id in the second line and their password then click on the sign to log in to the console as a sub-user