We can create multiple sub-users with different access policies in the Wasabi console.


Wasabi console root user credentials with all privileges


  1. Log in to the Wasabi console  with the root credentials

    URL:  https://console.wasabisys.com

  2. Click on Users from the left frame

  3. From the Users Menu, choose “create user”, and provide the username, password.

    Choose “Type of access” as per requirement and click on Next
  1. If required create a new group or choose the existing group from the drop-down menu and click on Next

  2. Select the preconfigured policies as per the requirement and click on Next then review the steps. Finally, click on the create user

  • AmazonS3Full Access—Gives full access to all S3 resources, but no IAM access.
  • AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess—Gives just the Get and List permissions on any S3 resource/bucket, but no IAM access.
  • AdministratorAccess—Gives full access to all resources (IAM and S3) with no limitation whatsoever.
  • WasabiReadOnlyAccess—Gives just the Get and List permissions to all S3 resources and login permis­sions to users.
  • WasabiWriteOnlyAccess—Gives just the Put and MultipartAbort permissions to all S3 resources, but no IAM access. The user cannot sign in with just this policy attached.
  • WasabiFullAccess—Gives full permissions to all S3 resources and sign-in permissions to users.
  • WasabiAdministratorAccess—Gives full access to all resources (IAM and S3) with no limitation whatso­ever. This is similar to AdministratorAccess, above.
  • IAMUserChangePassword—Gives the user permission to change his/her password upon initial sign-in.
  • WasabiViewBillingAccess—Gives the user permission to view the billing access portal.
  • WasabiModifyBillingAccess—Gives the user permission to modify the billing access portal.
  1. It will show the Access key and Secret key. We need to download or save it in a safer place

  2. Log in to the console to test the sub-user access.

    URL: https://console.wasabisys.com

    Note: select Sign in as a sub-user

  3. Enter the root login ID in the first line, enter the sub-user login id in the second line and their password then click on the sign to log in to the console as a sub-user


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