How to Install Apache on macOS via Homebrew
How to Install Apache on macOS via Homebrew
Date Posted : 25-Oct-2018
Installation steps as follows,
Loginas root user or super user to perform this task,
Step 1 – Install Apache on macOS
Remove built-in Apache server (if any) from your system. Open a terminal and execute commands to stop running Apache server and remove it.
sudo apachectl stop sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
Step 2: Now install the new version Apache server provided by Homebrew:
brew install httpd
Step 3: After completing the installation process, configure httpd service to be auto-started on system boot.
sudo brew services start httpd
Step 4 : Managing Apache Service
sudo apachectl stop sudo apachectl start sudo apachectl -k restart
Now, you are ready to use the service.