How to install particular version of Node JS and npm using NVM
How to install particular version of Node JS and npm using NVM
Date: 17-04-2021
NVM (Node Version Manager) is a bash script that allows you to manage multiple Node JS versions. You can easily switch to other versions.
Step 1: You can install nvm by using below command.# curl -o- | bash
Step 2: Once installation is completed you will close and reopen your server by terminal.
Step 3: Use below command to get a list of all Node.js versions available in nvm.# nvm list-remote
Step 4: Use below command to install the particular version of Node.js.# nvm install node 12.20.0
Note: If you want to install latest version of Node.js, you can use below command.# nvm install node
Step 5: To check node and npm version# node --version
# npm --version
Note: If you want to change the current active node version, you can use below command.# nvm use 12.16.3
——-> 12.16.3 is another version.