Magento stripe:

  • Magento 2 Stripe integration is a secure payment method.
  • It is easy to integrate in the stores.
  • Stripe payments platform accepts all the credit, debit cards anf popular payment methods with a single integration.
  • Stripe Integration is a thrid-party extension.
  • It has a low transaction fee anf offers one-click checkout.

Install magento 2 Stripe Extension:

Step 1: Download magento 2 stripe extension and unzip it.


Step 2: Have to upload the unzipped stripe extension files to this directory


Step 3: Commands to run the stripe payments:

– Have to open the terminal, navigate to magento root directory and run the following commands:-

  • bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • php bin/magento cache:flush
  • php bin/magento cache:clean

Open the Stripe Configuration Section:

Step 1: Log into Magento Admin Panel:

Stores>Configuration>Sales>Payment Methods

able to see that stripe has been integrated into payment options.

Step 2: Magento 2 Stripe Extension:

Checking Stripe Payment in localhost follows the steps:

1.Clean the cache management by running this command ‘php bin/magento cache:clean‘ and refresh the localhost page.

2.In localhost, once yo select a product it will appear in shopping cart.

3.From shopping cart, click ‘Proceed to checkout‘.

4.It will take to the shipping address where we have to fill the details.

5.After filling in the shipping details, click ‘next‘ button to continue the shopping.

6.If the stripe magento payment gateway is installed correctly then we would see the checkout page(Payonline).

7.Enter the card details and select ‘Place order’ to confirm the purchase.

8.After order placed confirmation message will be displayed and confirmation email will be sent to the above provided email address.

9.Finally transactions process will be appear in the Stripe dashboard under the ‘Transactions‘ section.

Those steps will result the stripe Integration successfully.

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