
Redux is a library for managing state in a Predictable way in JavaScript applications. Redux is not tied to React, It can be used with React, Angular, Vue, or even vanilla javascript.

Uses of Redux: Redux is used in JavaScript applications to simplify and centralize the management of application state. It provides a predictable and structured way to handle data, making it easier to manage and debug, especially as the application grows in complexity.
In Redux, there are 3 main parts:

Store: This holds the state of our application, It is used to store our state values.
Reducers: Reducer is part of the store, It is responsible for managing state changes based on dispatched actions. It takes two things: Previous state and an action.

Actions: Actions are used to send data from the application to the redux store.

Install Redux Using the Below Command:

1. npm install redux react-redux

2. npm install @reduxjs/toolkit

Note: To utilize Redux debugging, it’s necessary to install the Redux DevTools Extension on Chrome and Firefox.

Example of Store, Reducers, Actions for Book Management:

Store :
import {createStore} from ‘redux’;

const intitalState ={

books:[ ],


const bookReducer = (state = initiaState,action)={

if(action.type === “ADD_BOOK”){

return {…state, books: […state.books, action.payload] };

} else if (action.type === “REMOVE_BOOK”){

const updatedBooks = state.books.filter(book => ! == action.payload);

return {…state, books: updatedBooks};


return state;

const store = createStore(bookReducer);

export default store;


const intitalState ={

books:[ ],


const bookReducer = (state = initiaState,action)={

if(action.type === “ADD_BOOK”){

return {…state, books: […state.books, action.payload] };

} else if (action.type === “REMOVE_BOOK”){

const updatedBooks = state.books.filter(book => ! == action.payload);

return {…state, books: updatedBooks};


return state;


export default bookReducer;


const addBook = (title,author)({
type: ‘ADD_BOOK’, payload: { id: Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9), title, author },


const removeBook = (bookid)({

type: ‘REMOVE_BOOK’,

payload: bookid,


1. store: It manages a collection of books within the application state using a reducer function. It handles adding and removing books from the list.

2. Reducer: It contains a bookReducer function that determines how the state changes based on dispatched actions (‘ADD_BOOK’ and ‘REMOVE_BOOK’).

3. Action: It Provides action creators for adding a book and removing a book. This action contains a type and payload, allowing the reducer to update the store’s state accordingly.

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