Install PHP 7.2-mcrypt Module on Ubuntu 18.04

Date: 01-01-2021


The PHP mcrypt module has been deprecated in PHP 7.2 so it’s not available by default. PHP 7.2-mcrypt package is missing in Ubuntu server. You need to follow the below steps to install this module for PHP 7.2.

Step 1: Run the below command to install PHP 7.2.
# apt install php-7.2

Step 2: Run the below command to install the required packages on Ubuntu.
# apt install php-dev php-pear libmcrypt-dev

Step 3: Run the below commands to install PHP mcrypt module on Ubuntu by using pecl channel.
# pecl channel-update
# pecl install mcrypt-1.0.1

Step 4: You should get below message after running the above commands. It’s showing mcrypt has installed successfully.

Step 5: You need to add the below line into the php.ini file for the web server.
If you are using Apache2 web server, use below command.
# nano /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini
If you are using Nginx web server, use below command.
# nano /etc/php/7.2/fpm/php.ini

Step 6: Finally, Restart the web server by using below commands.
For Apache2:
# systemctl restart apache2
For Nginx:
# systemctl restart nginx

Thank you!

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