STEP 1: STEP 2: STEP 3: php bin/magento setup:upgrade STEP 4: php bin/magento setup:static -content:deploy -f STEP 5: chmod -R 777 pub chmod -R 777 generated chmod-R 777 var chmod-R 777 app/etc STEP 6: php/bin magento cache:clean php/bin magento cache:flush STEP 7:

Magento stripe: Install magento 2 Stripe Extension: Step 1: Download magento 2 stripe extension and unzip it. Extension: Step 2: Have to upload the unzipped stripe extension files to this directory Applications/MAMP/htdocs/app/code/StripeIntegration/Payments Step 3: Commands to run the stripe payments: – Have to open the terminal, navigate to magento… Continue Reading How to set up and Install Stripe in Magento 2

Introduction Nagios, a widely used open-source monitoring system, provides robust tools to monitor the health of various IT services, including web services. By setting up website monitoring in Nagios, we can proactively detect issues, ensure uptime, and optimize performance. This guide will walk through the steps required to configure Nagios… Continue Reading How to set up the website monitoring on Nagios?

Introduction Terraform is one of the most popular Infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool, used by DevOps teams to automate infrastructure tasks. It is used to automate the provisioning of your cloud resources. Terraform is an open-source, cloud-agnostic provisioning tool developed by HashiCorp and written in GO language. STEP 1: Create one EC2 instance… Continue Reading How to install and Create the AWS infrastructure using Terraform in Ubuntu 22.04

Introduction:MongoDB 7.0 is the MongoDB database’s latest major release, a NoSQL database system. In version 7.0, MongoDB has introduced several improvements in migrations, performance, developer experience, and security. Notably, it features Queryable Encryption, which allows for the encryption of sensitive workloads and the ability to query encrypted data. Performance enhancements… Continue Reading How to install MongoDB 7.0 on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04

Prerequisites : 1)Android Studio STEP 1 : Go to the Android Studio in your machine open the project and click on the build option in the top navbar STEP 2: Now click on the Generate signed App Bundle/APK to generate the APK STEP 3:Click on the APK and then click… Continue Reading How to generate APK in Android Studio

I. Introduction to Monkey Testing A. Definition and Overview What exactly is monkey testing? In simple terms, it’s a type of software testing where random inputs are fed into the system to observe it behaves. Picture a monkey randomly pressing buttons on your app; sometimes, this chaos can lead to… Continue Reading Monkey Testing : Unleashing Gremlins for Better Software

What is Appium? In simple terms, Appium is an open-source tool that allows you to automate mobile applications on platforms like iOS and Android. It enables developers and testers to write tests against mobile native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. So, if you’re looking to automate your testing process, Appium… Continue Reading Appium Automation Concepts 

Introduction n98-magerun is a command-line interface tool for Magento that allows developers, administrators, and DevOps users to perform maintenance tasks, development work, and configuration management. It provides commands for system information, database maintenance, cron jobs, integration APIs, and more Prerequisite Implementation Step 1: Download the CLI tool at the root of… Continue Reading How to reset the Admin password in Magento2 using the Command Line Interface Tool

Introduction PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source relational database management system known for its reliability and robust feature set. It adheres to SQL standards and supports advanced features like data integrity, concurrency control, and extensibility through custom data types and functions. With strong security measures and scalability options, PostgreSQL is widely… Continue Reading How to drop a database in postgreSQL ?