We can increase the /tmp directory by doing the following steps: cd /usrdd if=/dev/zero of=/usr/tmpMnt bs=1024 count=2000000 mke2fs -j /usr/tmpMnt cd /cp -R /tmp /tmp_backup mount -o loop,noexec,nosuid,rw /usr/tmpMnt /tmpchmod 0777 /tmp/bin/cp -R /tmp_backup/* /tmp/rm -rf /tmp_backup + Now, we will need to add this new block device in fstab.… Continue Reading Increase /tmp size

If you receive the following error during attempting to login into Webmail: A fatal error has occurred DB Error: connect failed Details have been logged for the administrator. please make sure that the following line exists in the directory /etc/my.conf: socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock Also check that Mysql service is running and that… Continue Reading Webmail: A fatal error has occurred DB Error: connect failed Details have been logged for the administrator.

If there are many failed login attempts, your account may get locked by WHM. You will get the following message in the browser after the account blocked in the WHM. —————- This account is currently locked out because a brute force attempt was detected. Please wait 10 minutes and try… Continue Reading Unable to login to the WHM

Sometimes, you may forgot the SSH port of the server. You can reset the SSH port to default one by doing the following steps. 1)Open the browser. 2) Enter the following URL in the browser, http://serverip:2086/scripts2/doautofixer?autofix=safesshrestart That’s it. Now, you are able to login the server by using default SSH… Continue Reading RESET SSH PORT TO DEFAULT PORT THROUGH WHM

Some times, we will get the following error when we tried to login to the horde.

The following script is used to scan the server for viruses present in the server by using clamscan. Note that you will need install clamscan. This script will send an email to you after completion of the scan. Mention your mail address in EMAIL_ line. —————————————- #!/bin/bash EMAIL_=Your email address… Continue Reading script for scanning the server by using clamscan : CRON

Sometimes we will get the following error when we triedto access the Plesk control panel.ERROR: PleskMainDBExceptionMySQL query failed:Incorrect information in file: ‘./psa/misc.frm’0: common_func.php3:168db_query(string ‘select param, val from misc’)1: common_func.php3:587get_param(string ‘mysql41_compatible’)2: common_func.php3:484db_set_names()3: common_func.php3:463db_connect_real(string ‘localhost’, string ‘admin’,string ‘*************’, ‘psa’)4: common_func.php3:443db_connect()5: auth.php3:90Even a restart of the plesk service will not work:# /etc/init.d/psa restartUnable… Continue Reading MySQL query failed: Incorrect information in file: ‘./psa/misc.frm’

The following commands are frequently used in the server management. du -sch*—-used to show the disk usage of the files and directory in the current directory. time telnet IP 25 —>shows the response time to execute the command

Downgrade PHP 5.3 to 5.2 in centos 6 CentOS 6 is the latest release of centOS organization. The centos 6 normally comes with php 5.3. There are some issues with php 5.3 in the centOS 6. Some of us like to downgrade the centOS PHP version from 5.3 to 5.2.… Continue Reading Downgrade PHP 5.3 to 5.2 in centos 6