The following script will help you to upload a file to s3 Bucket. The script initially copy the file


  1. Webserver which support to run php application
  2. Composer installed on the hosts
  3. AWS access & secret key to upload file
  4. File Size should not be more than 1MB

Script Setup:

Install aws-sdk on the domain document Root

composer require aws/aws-sdk-php

If composer is not installed, use the following command to install composer.

curl -sS | php

Copy the following script and upload to documentroot directory. Replace all the bolded lines with Appropriate values
<!-- Php

File to upload image to s3 Bucket
Author: Dhanasekaran N
Next time even Bigger with more. Love to do it in PHP
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Aws\S3\S3Client;
use Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception;
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
echo "Worray. Its working.....";
echo $fileextension=pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
echo $target_file=$target_dir.$filename;
if(strlen($filename) > 0)
#echo "File is less than 1MB. Let's Upload...";
mkdir($target_dir,$mode, true);
//move_uploaded_file($_FILES['s3file']['name'], $target_file);
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['s3file']['tmp_name'], $target_file))
#echo "Local Uploaded Successfully";
echo $target_file;
echo "Lets put the object to s3...";
$client = new Aws\S3\S3Client([
'version' => 'latest',
'region' => '<Region>',
'credentials' => [
'key' => 'XXXXXX', # <- Put your Aws Access Key
'secret' => 'xxxxxxx' #<- Put your Secret Key
echo "Trying upload to s3";
'Key' => '<PATH To UPLOAD>'.$filename, # <- PATH to Upload. Eg.,Directory/Subdirectory1
'SourceFile' => $target_file,
$message = "S3 Upload Successful.";
echo $message;
echo "<script> alert('File Uploaded Successfully')</script>";
#echo "Delete the temporary file.";
catch (S3Exception $e) {
// Catch an S3 specific exception.
echo $e->getMessage();
echo "Upload Failed";

echo "File is greater than 1MB";
echo "Please Select the file";


<title>Pheonix solutions S3 Image upload </title>
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border-color: #00a651;

.btn-file {
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
vertical-align: middle;
.fileinput-exists .fileinput-new, .fileinput-new .fileinput-exists {
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.fileinput .thumbnail {
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display: inline-block;
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<form action="" method='post' enctype="multipart/form-data">
<h1><center>Image Upload DashBoard! Build by Pheonix Solutions</center></h1>
<div class="main-content">
<div class="panel panel-primary ">
<label> Please Select the image to upload</label><br>
<input type='file' class="fileinput thumbnail btn btn-file" name='s3file'/> <br>
<input type='submit' class="btn btn-success" name='upload' value='Upload Image'/>



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