Date Posted: 28-03-2017

In this post, we gonna explain difference between Redhat 6 vs Redhat 7 distribution Commands, files,etc., These are basic commands which we may use in our day today activities on redhat 6 distribution.

List All Services:

Redhat 6:

chkconfig --list

ls /etc/init.d

Redhat 7:

systemctl -at service

ls /etc/systemd/system/*.service

Start/Stop Service:

Redhat 6:

service name start #To Start the service

service name stop # To Stop the service

Redhat 7:

systemctl start name.service # To Start the service

systemctl stop name.service # To Stop the service

Enable/Disable Service:

Redhat 6:

chkconfig name on # To enable the service on boot

chkconfig name off # To Disable the service on boot

Redhat 7:

systemctl enable name.service #To enable the service on boot

systemctl disable name.service # To Disable the service on boot

Verify service status:

Redhat 6:

service name status # To Check the service status

Redhat 7:

systemctl status name.service # To Check the service status

Check whether service enabled or not:

Redhat 6:

chkconfig name

Redhat 7:

systemctl is-enabled name

Create new service file:

Redhat 6:

chkconfig --add

Redhat 7:

systemctl daemon-reload

View Run Level:

Redhat 6:


Redhat 7:

systemctl get-default

Shutdown System:

Redhat 6:

shutdown #To shutdown the machine

Redhat 7:

systemctl shutdown

Poweroff  System:

Redhat 6:


Redhat 7:

systemctl poweroff

Reboot Machine:

Redhat 6:


Redhat 7:

systemctl reboot

Get runlevel

Redhat 6:

cat /etc/inittab

Redhat 7:

systemctl get-default

Set Run Level:

Redhat 6:

vi /etc/inittab # Edit Run level on this file

Redhat 7:

systemctl set-default #Replace name with run levels

You can view available run level targets using below command.

systemctl list-units --type target --all

GRUB Loader File configuration:

Redhat 6:


Redhat 7:


Configure Firewall:

Redhat 6:


To view iptables rules,

iptables -nL

Redhat 7:


To view all firewall rules,

firewall-cmd --list-all

Future post will be added on entire firewall command list.

To Set Hostname:

Redhat 6:

To Set hostname, open the file /etc/sysconfig/network and add Hostname

vi /etc/sysconfig/network


Restart the network service

service network restart

Redhat 7:

To verify current hostname

hostnamectl status

To Set new hostname

hostnamectl set-hostname

View network interface:

Redhat 6:


Redhat 7:

ip addr

View Ports/network Sockets

Redhat 6:

netstat -plan

Redhat 7:

ss -tlp



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